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  1. #16
    Judge Balthier غير متصل عضو مميز في منتديات البلاي ستيشن

    رد: [ مستجدات ] FINAL FANTASY XIII - 2

    And here we go in another beautiful journey

  2. #17
    Judge Balthier غير متصل عضو مميز في منتديات البلاي ستيشن

    رد: [ مستجدات ] FINAL FANTASY XIII - 2

    بس في حاجه ماذكرت , هل سيعمل ماساشي هاموزو على الحان اللعبة , لان ماسواها يعتبر خسارة كبيرة بالنسبة لمن احب هذا الجزء او الجزء العاشر .

  3. #18

    رد: [ مستجدات ] FINAL FANTASY XIII - 2

    نفس الاعبين موجودين انشاء الله ابو فلافل مايكون موجود وتكون القصة زينه لأن الجزء الي قبله قصته مب زينه اول مايتكلمون اضغط Mute اتمنى تتحسن القصة عموموا انا عضو جديد شكرا
    لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله

  4. #19
    الصورة الرمزية Al-RaQmi
    Al-RaQmi غير متصل عضو مميز في منتديات الالعاب
    .: K.S.A :.

    رد: [ مستجدات ] FINAL FANTASY XIII - 2

    معلومات اكثر عن اللعبة ... الدنيا برررررررررد ومالي خاطر بالقراءة . لها رجعه

    A radical departure from the series’ norms, Final Fantasy XIII undoubtedly alienated a particular subset of steadfast fans. Its divergence from an established formula – perhaps even more so than its fully-fledged predecessor – left many, including ourselves, incredibly frustrated. It’s significant, then, that Square’s efforts still provided an engaging experience in-spite of those irritating elements.

    Final Fantasy XIII sacrificed nuance and tactical considerations largely for the sake speed and atheistics – it was inherently a style over substance affair. Synergists, for example, would often cast every spell under Cocoon, often omitting the very buff needed to execute my masterfully prepared battle-plan until the end of their cycle. More often that not, then, I’d be forced to wait for such a spell to be cast, often taking an unnecessary beating in the process.

    Final Fantasy XIII rarely felt tactical. At the best of times, it was a flashy, albeit still engaging, system primed to appeal to the senses. At its worst, however, XIII felt like a hurried race to the finish line – the frantic nature of the game’s combat created a disconnect between my intentions, my inputs and the fight’s outcome. Victory wasn’t a product of picking a particular combination of spells, it was the product of my Syngerist’s decisions.

    And that was a decision effectively reduced to casting ‘Libra’ in the hopes that my allies would deduce my intentions. The fact that I couldn’t switch between party members, or at least give the occasional direct command, could be incredibly infuriating – perhaps I hadn’t earned enough badges from their respective gyms.

    - Adam Meadows

    Although it’s been argued that towns are a ‘staple’ of the series – apparently, towns don’t exist beyond the realm of Final Fantasy – Square Enix has demonstrated its ability to construct a workable title without a need for traditional ‘hubs’. This, however, came at a cost. Final Fantasy XIII almost always felt ‘on-rails’ – I didn’t have the option to choose which building to enter or which NPC to interact with.

    Towns provided the illusion of choice, and a much needed respite from saving the world. They also, perhaps unintentionally, provide narrative landmarks upon which our memories attach themselves – there’s no doubt that many of us remember Final Fantasy VII’s Kalm, the first place to be entirely free of Midgar’s pollution.

    - Adam Meadows

    And add a world map. Tales of Vesperia did it so well!

    - Sal Romano
    TP and Gil

    Scarcity in spending amount is never fun. We all want to be rich. Such is the case with Technical Points and Gil, two forms of currency bound to players in Final Fantasy XIII; one is used for performing special skills such as ‘Libra’ and ‘Summon’, and the other for buying goods such as potions and weapons. For a role-playing game, a genre in which I’m generally used to purchasing new equipment and items to keep my team in shape, Final Fantasy XIII rarely throws enough money at the player, so much that he/she could purchase a simple Phoenix Down. It’s ludicrous. I understand it wouldn’t make sense for the monsters roaming Pulse to carry wallets, but it also doesn’t make sense that everyone’s hair and clothes stay perfectly unimpaired despite their constant fighting and traveling. I barely spent time at the shop in Final Fantasy XIII due to being financially unable to handle the cost.

    TP felt the same. The majority of Final Fantasy XIII‘s skill set doesn’t require the use of Technical Points, but a significant minority does. If you’re a completionist — trying to obtain data for every enemy you come across — or are just trying to discover your enemy’s weakness, you’ll find yourself using the ‘Libra’ skill for a fair amount of the time. That’s 1 TP for you out of your, let’s say, 5 max. Summon Odin, and there goes another 3 TP. Another Libra, and there’s your last TP. Your TP doesn’t return after the fight is over. Earning it back will take more than just a few battles, depending on your the rankings you earn. It’s time consuming; and earning five-star rankings on battles fought deeper into the game isn’t the easiest thing in the world.

    Final Fantasy XIII-2 should cut the insufficiency seen in its predecessor, give me reason to visit shops, and provide a better solution to TP.

    - Sal Romano
    Character Progression

    As with many of Final Fantasy XIII’s elements, character progression, in the combative sense, was painfully linear. Whilst it quickly invited comparisons to Final Fantasy X’s sphere grid, the two are entirely dissimilar. And although the crystarium wasn’t short of branching pathways, they would ultimately force you to return to a central line of progression – again, a system that initially appeared to be flexible and conducive of choice quickly revealed itself to be entirely linear.

    In contrast, Final Fantasy X’s Tidus could be a radically different combatant depending on the player’s manipulation of the sphere grid (unless both had completed the grid in its entirety). In Square’s latest iteration, though, two Lightning’s would be largely identical, with any variation dependent on how far a character is on their respective paths. Square’s reluctance to stray from a traditionally linear ‘level-up’ system, coupled with its obvious desire to be different and experimental, left character progression to feel arbitrary and dissatisfying.

    - Adam Meadows

    I really hope I wasn’t the only one who experienced this, but a better bulk of my battles against your standard enemy in Final Fantasy XIII were brick walls of either: 1) hard or 2) time-consumption. I would find myself in battle with an enemy for 8 minutes, using all of the proper techniques to hit its weak spots, only to finish that battle, walk ten feet down the hall, and find that same enemy blocking my path, ready to battle once again. After defeating him, there would be another fight against the same enemy before I’d finally reach a save point. As you could imagine, it got annoying.

    A lot of the time, I’d find myself in the red zone, low on health, spamming cure spells, and rarely able to attack; my attacker’s current paradigm would be ineffective against the enemy. There should be far greater difficulty balance in XIII-2. I don’t want to sit in a battle for nearly ten minutes repeatedly hitting auto-attack until I finally down the enemy. I want to enjoy battles — enjoy them like I did in Final Fantasy VII, IX, and X.

    Side-note: summons like Odin and Hecatoncheir barely scratched said enemies.

    - Sal Romano

  5. #20

    رد: [ مستجدات ] FINAL FANTASY XIII - 2

    الصراحة العرض ما عجبني
    وخاصة design لايتنينج
    أتمنى اقدر اغيرة نفس FFX-2
    يقولون بضبطون الgameplay
    انشاء الله يخلونه تمام (لان 13 كان تمام)
    هذا الجزء كان متوقع لانهم ذكروا منزمان انهم عندهم أجزاء من اللعبة الاصلية لم يستخدمونها قط ولا حتى DLC

  6. #21

    رد: [ مستجدات ] FINAL FANTASY XIII - 2

    اولا شكرا على الموضوع انا اتوقع ان لا جديد بالنسبه لفاينال فانتسي xiii-2 وهي امتداد لنفس الجزء الاول وهذا كان متوقع خصوصا ان فاينال فانتسي xiii لم تكن بالمستوى المتوقع رغم اني استمتعت باللعب بها بل اني احترفتها لكن انا على احر من الجمر بانتظار فاينال فانتسي فيرسيز وبصراحه بعد ماشفت التريل الاخير للعبه تشوقت اكثر للعبه

  7. #22
    kSA // Jedd@h

    رد: [ مستجدات ] FINAL FANTASY XIII - 2

    there are some new details about Final Fantasy XIII-2. Producer Yoshinori Kitase and director Motomu Toriyama make it clear that Final Fantasy XIII-2 won’t have a pop feel like Final Fantasy X-2. By playing Final Fantasy XIII-2 you’ll see the complete story. This game will cover the events behind the scenes of Final Fantasy XIII and have a dark feel to it. The story will have mysteries and won’t be straightforward.

    The game picks up where Final Fantasy XIII ends and the booklet from the booklet bundled in Final Fantasy XIII Ultimate Hits International. Players will search for a gate to the invisible world called Bunibelle. Etro, a goddess, will be a central character in the story. While we’ve only seen Lightning and her rival, other characters from Final Fantasy XIII will return too. Other characters from Final Fantasy XIII will return with major and unexpected changes. The team says the battle system is evolved and to please wait for a future report regarding changes. Easy mode, a feature added to Final Fantasy XIII Ultimate Hits International, is under consideration for the sequel.
    لول لو سوها كان كرهت سكوير XD
    قولوا مرحبا لHope و Snow

    ~ 不朽の ~

  8. #23
    KiNgDoM FaNtAsY - JEDDAH

    رد: [ مستجدات ] FINAL FANTASY XIII - 2

    اوف خاب ضني الحمد لله مافيها بوب زي اكس 2 ,,
    غريبه ليش اكثر ظلمه وسواد في القصه ؟؟
    ورجوع الشخصيات شي جميل بس اش التغير الي راح يصير يكبرو مثلا ؟؟

    شكرا عبود ,,

  9. #24
    KiNgDoM FaNtAsY - JEDDAH

    رد: [ مستجدات ] FINAL FANTASY XIII - 2

    معلومات عن اللعبه
    نص الخبر :

    • XIII-2's story begins in Gran Pulse after the ending of XIII.
    • The story will feel like it expands out from the after story that was included in the booklet with Xbox 360's Final Fantasy XIII International.
    • Outside of Lightning, other characters will appear in the game in unexpected forms. Some will see major changes.
    • XIII-2 is a full sequel. You'll learn some of the things that took place in the background scenes of XIII.
    • The story will be more dark and mysterious than XIII's.
    • The story will focus on the goddess Etro.
    • The game will not have the pop feel of Final Fantasy X-2 (I think this means no dancing Lightning booooo)
    • The battle system will be an evolved form of XIII's ATB system.
    • They're listening to opinions both inside and outside of Square Enix and from outside of Japan regarding characters, story and interface.
    • There may be a difficulty setting.
    1 - احداث اللعبه تبدأ في جران بولس وهي تكمله للنهايه التي في فاينل فانتسي 13 . << يعني لازم تلعب فاينل 13 عشان تقدر تفهم الهرجه ,,
    2 - احداث القصه ستتوسع بشكل واضح تبعا للاصدار الذي ظهر على الاكس بوكس بمسمى ( Final Fantasy XIII international ) .
    3 - بعيدا عن لايتو ستظهر الشخصيات القديمه مره اخرى ولكن بشكل مختلف جدا ,, << هوب يصير كبير مثلا حماااس ,,
    4 - اللعبه تكمله للجزء 13 ولازم تكون عارف احداث الجزء 13. عشان تعرف الهرجه زي ماقولت فوق ,,
    5 - العبه ستكون اكثر ظلمه وغموض من الجزء 13 .
    6 - ستركز اللعبه على ( Goddess Etro ) .
    7 - اللعبه لن تحتوي على البوب زي اكس 2 يعني الرقص والطحس xD
    8 - نظام القتال هو نموذج متطور من النظام القديم الي في الجزء 13 الي هوا ( ATB System ) << اذا كان حق 13 غريب ورهيب اجل كيف راح يكون هذا ؟؟
    9 - طاقم العمل والمطورون يستمعون لاراء الجمهور داخل وخارج سكوير اينكس ومن خارج اليابان ايضا وذلك حول انطباعاتهم حول الشخصيات والقصه . << كأنهم نسيو الخطيه -__- ,,
    10 - سيكون هناك معايير للصعوبه . << قصدهم يعني في ايزي ومديم وهارد ؟؟

    المصدر للاخبار المتعلقه بالثلاثه الالعاب

  10. #25
    between 現実 & dreams

    رد: [ مستجدات ] FINAL FANTASY XIII - 2

  11. #26
    Judge Balthier غير متصل عضو مميز في منتديات البلاي ستيشن

    رد: [ مستجدات ] FINAL FANTASY XIII - 2

    شكرا دروو على الصورة الرائعة .

  12. #27
    مكة المكرمة

    رد: [ مستجدات ] FINAL FANTASY XIII - 2

    معلومة مهمة جدا

    وفقا لما قاله السيد كيتاس و تورياما :
    إذا كانت لديك 13 فعليك بالمحافظة على تخزين اللعبة للإستفادة منه في 13-2

    نص :
    Final Fantasy XIII owners may want to keep hold of their save game file for FFXIII-2, according to producer Yoshinori Kitase and director Motomu Toriyama.
    الحمدلله مازلت محتفظ بالتخزين ^^


  13. #28
    KiNgDoM FaNtAsY - JEDDAH

    رد: [ مستجدات ] FINAL FANTASY XIII - 2

    الصور روعه ,,
    بس مدري ليه احس انو لايتو شكلها مرا صغير هنا ؟؟

    إذا كانت لديك 13 فعليك بالمحافظة على تخزين اللعبة للإستفادة منه في 13-2

    غريبه ليش ؟؟
    وانا كمان محتفظ بيها الحمد لله ,,

  14. #29
    between 現実 & dreams

    رد: [ مستجدات ] FINAL FANTASY XIII - 2

    اخبار على السريع ~

    As part of the story of the original, Lightning has lost her l'Cie abilities (summons, casting magic, etc.).
    Light فقدت قدرات الـ I’Cie و يعتقد هذا سبب تغير مظهرها و تعليق على المظهر من مخرج اللعبه :

    He added that her clothing has a more fantasy feel to it this time, and the design of her weapons and other such items will match
    قال بأنه مظهرها اصبح خيالي اكثر با النسبة له

    و علق ايضا على الشي التي Light كانت تقف امامه في بداية العرض .. و اتضح بأنه مجرد كرسي

    * صراحة توي اكتشف انه كرسي @_@ *

    و له اهمية كبيرة في اللعبة حسب قوله

    و علق ايضا على الشخصية الجديدة الي ظهرت في العرض بان Light لها مهمة جديدة و ستواجه هذه الشخصية الي تعتبر شخصية قوية القدرات ضد البطلة الي انقذت العالم في الماضي .. ايضا شخصيات قديمة من اللعبة ستعود لكن بمظهر مختلف هذه المرة

    FFXIII world will be in the game in some form
    تأكيد على عودة بعض عوالم FFXIII في XIII-2
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة dro ; 10-02-2011 الساعة 07:55 PM

  15. #30

    رد: [ مستجدات ] FINAL FANTASY XIII - 2

    ما ادري ليش بس عندي احساس يقول انه ابو هوب راح يكون عنصر اذا ما هو اساسي راح يكون مؤثر جدا

صفحة 2 من 59 الأولىالأولى 1234567122752 ... الأخيرةالأخيرة

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