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الموضوع: نتائج WWE Smackdown لتاريخ 11/7/2008 مـ !

  1. #1

    Cool نتائج WWE Smackdown لتاريخ 11/7/2008 مـ !

    السلام عليكم

    أقدم لكم اليوم نتائج عرض
    WWE Smackdown
    لتاريخ 11/7/2008 مـ

    أتمنى أن تعجبكم !!

    In a dark match before ECW, Kendrick defeated Funaki. Kendrick came
    out and introduced a new 2nd, a large man dressed in all white. I
    have no idea who he was, but facially I thought he resembled the late
    Bad News Allen. The 2nd distracted Funaki just long enough for
    Kendrick to roll him up from behind for the pin.

    Smackdown opened with Edge coming out for a promo. He said the
    wedding was still off, which brought a roar of approval from the
    crowd. He said he wants to prove at the Great American Bash that he
    can become champ again without Vicki’s help. Curt Hawkins and Zack
    Ryder wheel out Vicki Guerrero, who announced Edge would face the Big
    Show in a no-DQ match in tonight’s main event.

    Shelton Benjamin defeated Matt Hardy in a non-title match.

    Backstage Hawkins and Ryder pledged their loyalty to Vicki and asked
    for a rematch against Jesse & Festus.

    MVP came to ringside for commentary during a match between Mr. Kennedy
    and Domino. After Kennedy defeated Domino, MVP distracted Kennedy to
    allow Umaga to attack Kennedy from behind, laying him out with the
    thumb to the throat.

    Backstage Chavo Guerrero with Bam Neely was talking to Edge. Chavo
    said he and Edge would always be family, and he was going to go give
    Vicki a piece of his mind.

    Fit Finlay & Hornswoggle defeated Miz & John Morrison in a non-title
    match. The midget got a ludicrous amount of offense in on the tag

    Backstage Chavo played up to Vickie, calling Edge a liar, and said the
    Guerreros have to stick together. Vickie said “Chavo, CUT THE CRAP!”
    and put him in a match vs. HHH.

    HHH defeated Chavo Guerrero in a non-title match. Chavo actually got
    a little offense in here and there.

    Natalya & Maryse defeated Michelle McCool & Cherry. After the match,
    Natalya attacked McCool and gave her a snap suplex on the floor.

    Jesse & Festus defeated Hawkins & Ryder via count out. Hawkins &
    Ryder stood outside the ring purposely to get counted out. Then, when
    the bell rang to end the match, and Festus went docile, they beat down
    Jesse, then went after Festus. Jesse finally rang the bell to once
    again energize Festus, and Hawkins & Ryder ran.

    Vladimir Koslov defeated Stevie Richards with a headbutt to the back
    of the neck. They finally gave Koslov entrance music.

    Backstage all the members of La Familia were arguing when Vickie came
    in and told Edge to get out there and take his beating by the Big Show
    like a man.

    Edge vs. Big Show started with Vickie watching from the stage, but
    part way through the match, Hawkins & Ryder wheeled her down to
    ringside. This was by far the best match on the show, with a lot of
    brawling outside the ring, as well as the use of a kendo stick and
    chairs. Late in the bout Edge tried for a conchairto on Show, but
    from the mat Show suddenly grabbed Edge by the throat, stood up and
    gave him a choke slam. Then Show decided to set up Edge for a
    conchairto of his own, but right before he brought the chair down on
    Edge’s head, Vickie screamed to stop the match. She got out of her
    wheelchair and climbed into the ring to tend to Edge, telling him she
    loves him, and next thing you know, they were making out. Edge than
    asked her to marry him, she said yes, and he said they should do it
    next week. All of La Familia came out to celebrate as the show ended.

    وهذا من موقع أخر

    They opened with a dark match as Brian Kendrick beat Funaki with a roll up.

    ECW was taped next. Buck Woodward is doing a report of that as it happens.


    Edge and Vickie Guerrero do a good promo to set up a match with Edge taking on Big Show.

    Next is ECW star Matt Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin. It was a short match, with a lot of missed spots. Benjamin gets the win. They may redo this. It was that bad.

    MVP came out to ringside to do color for Mr. Kennedy vs. Domino. Kennedy won a squash. Umaga squashed Kennedy post- match as MVP approved.

    Finlay and Horny beat The Miz and John Morrison when Finlay used the shillelagh and Horny hit the Tadpole splash.

    Chavo Guerrero tried to kiss Vicki's butt and got a match with HHH. There was an absolute insane pop for HHH. It was his standard match, 4 minutes, Pedigree. Game over...pun intended.

    Natalya scored the pin in a divas tag match.

    Jesse and Festus beat Ryder and Hawkins via countout.

    Vladimir Kozlov beat Stevie Richards. The crowd made a mass exodus to the stands/bathroom and didn't care.

    The main event is coming to the ring now.

    Big Show came out to massive pyro. Vickie was at ringside for the match. Show took control early on. It wasn't much of a wrestling match, more of a fight. It was a damn good brawl. The finish saw Show block a Conchairto and hit a Chokeslam. Show went for his own Conchairto and Vicki made the save. Edge re-proposes and they will now get married next week. That's it. It was actually kind of anticlimactic.

    هذي النتائج باللغة الإنجليزية ...
    إن شاء الله حد من الإخوان يترجمها لنا ....

  2. #2
    U A E

    رد: نتائج WWE Smackdown لتاريخ 11/7/2008 مـ !

    اخوي مثل هالمواضيع مخالفة ..

    حاول تترجم ..

    ومشكور على النتائج

  3. #3
    ~AKON~ غير متصل عضو مميز في منتديات المصارعة
    السعوديه قطيفي

    رد: نتائج WWE Smackdown لتاريخ 11/7/2008 مـ !

    مشكور ومنتضرين الترجمه

  4. #4
    ~AKON~ غير متصل عضو مميز في منتديات المصارعة
    السعوديه قطيفي

    رد: نتائج WWE Smackdown لتاريخ 11/7/2008 مـ !

    الي فهمته من البدايه
    انه مدير لسماكداوان قال الى ايدج انه يمكنه الفوز في البطول القادمه دون لحاجة الى فيكي جريرو

    وبنجامين فاز على مات هاردي

    خلف الكوالس هوكينز رايدر يطلب اعادة مباراه من فيكي ضد لجيسي

    وتوقع بعد مباراه مابين كندي ودمنيز او mvb

    وشافو جيريو مع حارسه شخصي يتحدث مع ايدج وقال لاايدج انه يحتم بموضوع لاسره

    ايدج ضد البيق شو
    اوقفة المباراه مابينه فيكي وهي تصرخ

    وقالة لهو انه موافقه على الزواجج

    هاده الي فهمته ويمكن يكون غلض

    ومنتضرين الترجمه صح

  5. #5

    رد: نتائج WWE Smackdown لتاريخ 11/7/2008 مـ !

    بصراحة خفت أغلط في الترجمة ويفهم الأعضاء حاجة ثانية مش موجوده في العرض

    فقلت أنسخها زي ما هي و أحد ال‘ضاء الخبيرين يترجمها لنا

  6. #6
    السعودية - جده

    رد: نتائج WWE Smackdown لتاريخ 11/7/2008 مـ !

    فين المصدر

  7. #7

    رد: نتائج WWE Smackdown لتاريخ 11/7/2008 مـ !

    هذا مصدر

    لكن اخوي اذا كنت ما تعرف تترجم لا تحط الموضوع

  8. #8

    رد: نتائج WWE Smackdown لتاريخ 11/7/2008 مـ !

    عشان مافي حد حطاه من قبل

  9. #9

    رد: نتائج WWE Smackdown لتاريخ 11/7/2008 مـ !

    ياريت الترجمه ومشكور على الجهد المبزول

  10. #10

    رد: نتائج WWE Smackdown لتاريخ 11/7/2008 مـ !

    مشكور اخوي
    سيف الجوال
    لكن ارجو انك تكتب عربي المرة القادمة

  11. #11
    (*&^$@ مسقط @$^&*)

    رد: نتائج WWE Smackdown لتاريخ 11/7/2008 مـ !

    مشكووووووووووور ((سيف الجوال)) على النشرة
    وحاول المرة الجاية أنك تترجم الموضوع.
    التوقيع مخالف

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