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الموضوع: تقرير شامل لـResident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles

  1. #1

    تقرير شامل لـResident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    الرجاء عدم الرد حتى الإنتهاء من الموضوع


    1- مقدمة عن الجزء

    2- القصة

    3- الشخصيات

    4- الوحوش

    5- الملفات

    6- بعض المواضيع المفيدة

    7- بعض الصور عن الجزء

    8- عروض للعبة

    9- الخاتمة

    نبذة بســــيطة عــن الـــــجزء

    هناك جزء من أجزاء لعبتنا لم يسمع عنه الكثير وهو آخر اصداراتCapcom وهو

    الاسم:Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles

    الصانع: Capcom

    الناشر: Capcom



    اللعبة عبارة عن اعادة احداث الأجزاء (Resident Evil 0-Resident Evil 1-Resident Evil 3)

    مع اضافة عدة مراحل و أهمها Umbrella's End

    وهذه مراحل اللعبة

    Train Derailment=انحراف القطار


    Mansion Incident=حادثة القصر



    Raccoon's Destruction=دمار راكون

    Fourth Survivor =لأجل الحياة

    Death's Door=باب الموت

    Umbrella's End=نهاية امبريلا

    Dark Legacy=التراث المظلم

  2. #2

    رد: تقرير شامل لـResident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles


    Train Derailment

    قصة Resident Evil 0


    هنا تبدأ نهاة امبريلا حيث يخونهم وسكر و يريد فلادمير قتله لكنه نجح في الفرار منه و من Ivan

    Mansion Incident

    قصة Resident Evil 1


    بعد أن ذهب فريق Bravo إلى قصر سبنسر تفرقوا و تشتتوا بسبب الوحوش الموجودة في الغابة REBECCA CHAMBERS و RICHARD AIKEN كانوا معاً وآرادوا أن يبحثوا عن البقية لكن في عملية البحث تلقوا هجوم من الأفعى YAWN وقد قتلت RICHARD ولكن REBECCA التقت بـCHRIS REDFIELD و JILL VALENTINE و تمكنت من النجاة


    بعد ما حقن وسكر نفسه بفايروس و بعد ما طعن من قبل الترانت أعادة الفايروس إلى الحياة ولكن الآن يجب أن يخرج من القصر قبل الأنفجار ولقد نجح خرج قبل الأنفجار و ابتعد مسافة كافية

    Raccoon's Destruction

    قصة Resident Evil 3

    Fourth Survivor

    الآن على هانك النجاة من وليام بريكن ومعه عينة الجي فايروس كتن معه فريقة لكنه سحق من قبل الدكتر وليام لكنه نجح في الهرب منه و احظار العينة لكنه يتسائل في نفسة ويقول ما هذا الذي احظرته

    Death's Door

    هنا قصة ايدا بعد أن تلقت رصاصة من أنيت بريكن بعد ما سقطت أمسكها وسكر وأنقذها عملت جاسوسة له ولها مهمة وهي احظار عينة الجي فايروس ونجحت في مهمتها بتفوق

    Umbrella's End

    وفي هذه المرحلة تنتهي قصة Umbrella حيث يذهب CHRIS REDFIELD و JILL VALENTINE إلى المقر الموجود في روسيا أعتماداً على الإشاعة عن وجود New B.O.W ولكن هذه الإشاعة كانت حقيقة وواجهوا T.A.L.O.S. وقضوا عليه

    Dark Legacy

    الآن يريد وسكر انهاء أمبريلا يذهب إلى المقر الموجود في روٍسيا ويواجه فلادمير ويقضي عليه و يأخذ جميع سجلات أمبريلا ويفعل نظام التدمير الذاتي و تنتهي أمبريلا و يحصل و سكر على كل جهود أمبريلا

  3. #3

    رد: تقرير شامل لـResident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles


    الأسم: Chris Redfield

    فصيلة الدم:A

    تستطيع اللعب به في: Mansion Incident و Umbrella's End

    Chris Redfield كان مدرب في القوات الجوية الأمريكية لكنه طرد ولم يكن لدية عمل آنا ذاك لكن صديقة القديم باري بارتون وجد له عمل في S.T.A.R.S في فريق ألفا في مدينة راكون وهو الآن منظم في منظمة تعارض أنشطة أمبريلا

    الاسم: Jill Valentine

    فصيلة الدم:B

    تستطيع اللعب بها في: Mansion Incident و Raccoon's Destruction و Umbrella's End

    هي من أفضل اعضاء S.T.A.R.S ولقبها Master Of Unlocking ولها شعبية ضخمة وهي في فريق ألفا

    الاسم: Rebecca Chambers

    فصيلة الدم:AB

    تستطيع اللعبة بها في: Train Derailment و Nightmare

    Rebecca Chambers هي خبيرة اسعافات أولية في العمر18 هي جزء مهم في S.T.A.R.S فريق برافو تبدأ مغامرتها بع أن تأتيها تقارير قتل من جبال Arklay على أي حال ستتحطم مروحيتهم وسيظطرون للهبوط وعليها أن تكمل طريقها مشياً وستجد قطار بعد دخولها ستجد الهارب من السجن Billy Coen ومن ثم تتابع رحلتها في القصر هي و Richard Aiken

    الاسم: Richard Aiken

    فصيلة الدم:A

    قابل للعب في: Nightmare

    Richard Aiken هو الرجل الاحتياطي لـS.T.A.R.S فريق برافو انظم إلى S.T.A.R.S بعد قتل اخيه الأصغر في حادث

    الاسم: Albert Wesker

    فصيلة الدم:O

    تستطيع اللعب به في: Beginnings و Dark Legacy و Rebirth

    كان في السابق القائد لـ فريق ألفا و برافو و كان في السابق باحث وعالم في Umbrella

    الاسم: Billy Coen

    فصيلة الدم:A

    تستطيع اللعبة به في: Train Derailment

    Billy Coen عثرة علية ريبكا في القطار وهو الجندي الذي اتهم بقتل 23 جندي في الحرب لكن ربيكا أطلقت سراحة

    الاسم: Carlos Oliveira

    فصيلة الدم:A

    تستطيع اللعب به في: Raccoon's Destruction

    كارلوس من أمريكا الجنوبيه جندته Umbrella في U.B.C.S ارسل إلى مدينة راكون لأنقاذ المدنين أنقذ جيل من الزومبي وقراروا الخروج من راكون بأسرع ما يمكنم

    الاسم: Ada Wong

    فصيلة الدم:؟؟

    تستطيع اللعب بها في: Death's Door

    Ada امرأة غامضة كانت مع ليون في مدينة راكون لكنها انفصلت عنه وأصبح لها طريقها الخاص الخطر ومهمة يجب أن تحصل على عينة الجي فايروس

    الاسم: HUNK

    فصيلة الدم:؟؟

    تستطيع اللعب به في: Fourth Survivor

    HUNK مرتزق عديم الرحمة وقد أوكلته أمبريلا مهمة وهي استرجاع عينة الجي فايروس

    الاسم: Sergei Vladimir

    فصيلة الدم:؟؟

    لا تستطيع اللعب به

    Sergei كان عقيد في الجيش الروسي بعد انهيار الإتحاد السوفيتي انظم إلى Umbrella أزعج وسكر في كافة أنحاء مهنته مركز تدريب Umbrella بعث أحد حراسة لقتل وسكر للأخفاق من توفير الحماية الكاملة من هجوم ماكروس هو أرسل من قبل سبنسر لإستعادة نموذج Talos

    وفي أحداث مدينة راكون هو أرسل لإستعادة بيانات الملكة الحمراء

  4. #4

    رد: تقرير شامل لـResident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles




    إذا كان الإنسان هو المضيف و الفايروس هو T-Virus فينتج هذا الوحش الذي يحتاج إلى التغذية المستمرة من اللحم الجديد الغني بالدم ليس لديهم أي تصرف ذكي الذي يحركهم هو حوافزهم لذا من السهل تفاديهم و قتلهم


    الأصل: كلب

    هذه الكلاب خطرة إذا كان معدل حياتك منخفض استعمل البندقية أم إذا كان معدل حياتك جيد أستعمل المسدس

    Leech Zombie

    الأصل: Leech

    إنه أحد أحد اكثر الأعداء الخطيرين قد يلحق ضرر كبير بك وقد يقضي عليك لذا كن حذراً عندما تقابلة و نقطة ضعفة هي النار لذا استخدم مع سلاح ناري وسرعانما ينفر وعندما ينفجر سيلحق ضرر بكل قريب منه



    إن من الصعب القصاء عليه في هذا الجزء لذا جاول أن تتجاهله أو أن تتخلص منه بالرشاش وكلما كبر حجمهم أصبح ضررهم أكبر و يسهل القضاء عليه

    Infected Bat


    خفاش عملاق تحول بواسطة T-Virus و تضخم و يمكنة أن يستدعي خفافيش أصغر

    Tyrant Prototype


    عندما تفشل عملية انتاج Tyrant سيتكون هذا الوحش فاقد السيطرة ومن الرغم من أن هذه التجربة تجربة فاشلة فهي قوية وماخلبة كفيلة لتنهي اللعبة



    أصدقائنا الغربان لا شيء في هذا الجزء تستطيع سحقهم بكل سهولة


    الأصل: Leech

    إنهم مصاصوا دماء لا تسمح لهم بالإقتراب منك لإنهم إذا أقتربوا منك سيمصون دمك وإذا مصوا دمك سيضعون بيوضهم في جسدك وإذا فعلوا ذلك عليك التلقي للعلاج المناسب



    هذا العقرب من الزعماء ومخالبة كبيرة و عليك استعمال اسلحة قوية معاه وطولة تقريباً 3 أمتار لذا كن حذراً



    هذه القردة الشرسة و المتعطشة لدماء سريعة جداً ولا تراهم إلى في مجموعات 2 أو أكثر



    هذه الضفادع ذات الألسنة الطويلة قادرةبرمائية لديهم القدرة على لف ألسنتهم عليك و القضاء عليك ولا تراهم إلى في المناطق المائية

    Leech Queen

    الأصل: Leech

    عندما كان الدكتور ماكرس يعمل في مشروع Leech Queen

    عن طريق الخطأ أندمج الدكتور مع الوحش الذي لم يكتمل لكن بعد أن أندمج الدكتور مع الوحش كمل جسد الدكتور الفايروس و ستواجهه في نهاية أحدى المراحل



    هناك كمية صغيرة موجودة في الجزء ليس بعدو قوي لكن عليك الحذر من هذا السم إذا أصابك هذا السم عليك بالتداوي

    Killer Bee


    إن هذا النحل ذو سم قوي وحركة خفيفة و حجمهم الصغير يميزهم لتفادي طلقات المسدس لذا إذا رأيتهم استعمل السكين فهي فعالة



    هذه الأفعى تضخمة نتيجة T-Virus وستقابلها مرتين في اللعبة وهي تمتلك سم قوي جداً لذا إذا واجهتها هاجمها بأقوى أسلحتك لكي لا تسبب الضرر الكبير وستواجهها في

    Plant 42


    هذه النباتات المصابة بـ T-Virus نقطة ضعفها في جذورها و النار إذا استعملت معها سلاح ناري ستقضي عليها في غضون ثوانٍ و السلاح الأمثل هو قاذف اللهب


    الأصل:سمكة قرش

    هذه السمكة العملاقة كان يجرى عليها أبحاث ليعرف العلماء ماذا يفعل الـ T-Virus مع مخلوقات البحر و سبب تسمية هذا الوحش بـ Neptune بسبب لونة الأزرق و يميل إلى كوكب نيبتون الأزرق



    هذه الهناتر تستطيع القضاء عليك بضربة واحدة وهناك أنواع كثيرة من الهنتر منه البرمائي ومنه تحت السيطرة ومن لا يمكن السيطرة عليه وهو هذا النوع

    Black Tiger


    سميت بـ Black Tiger لسرعة هجومها وإنقضاضها على الفريسة واحذر من سمهم



    إن أصل هذا الشيء مجهول لديه في يده مخلب عملاق وهو سريع في الهجوم استعمل معاه سلاح سريع أو سلاح فتاك كالرشاش أو البندقية



    هذا الترنت هو النسخة T-002 وتم صنعة بعد النسخة القديمة وهذا الـ Tyrant مهيئ لمهاجمة كل من يراه ونادر ما يتحول الإنسان إلى Tyrant ويحد هذا بعد التجارب وغالباً ما تفشل ويتحول إلى زومبي

    Lisa Trevor


    هذه البنت المسكينة بنت جورج تريفور (مصمم القصر ) المسكينة لازالت تبحث عن أمها الميته

    Mutant Plant


    هذه النباتات لا تستطيع قتلها إلى إذا اطعمته مواد yummy الكميائية و سيسقط



    هي أفعى سامة صغيرة أصيبة بالـ T-Virus هذه الافعى ستحاول الصعود إلى وجهك لمهاجمتك


    الاصل:؟؟(يقال انه انسان أعمى)

    إنه مخلوق ذو ليسان طويل قد تواجهه بكميات كبيرة لكنه مخلوق بشع و الدليل على أنه أنسان هو لاخضوا رأسة ... إنه العقل و لا يوجد عقل كبير مثل هذا موجود في الحيوانات !

    Large Roach


    هذه الديدان تراها في حشود كثيرة و تضخم حجمها قليلاً وهي من نوع الديدان الطفيلة


    الأصل:دودة طفيلية

    هذه الدودة المتضخمة نتيجة T-Virus يحفر الأنفاق داخل الأرض وإنه من اقوى الوحوش في الجزء



    هذا الوحش نتج عن G-Virus وصمم خصيصاً لتخلص من فرقة S.T.A.R.S ويستطيع أن يستعمل الأسلحة وهو أكثر أحد الوحوش تطوراً واستعمل مع اقوى سلاح لديك



    إن شكله غريب وقوي لذا استعمل مع كل ما يمكن لكن تستطيع هزمة إذا ضغطت عليه بالهجوم



    إنه Tyrant مسلحة و نسخة مطورة عن النسخة السابقة ويتميز بالكثير من المزايا التي لا توجد في أي وحش موجود في Resident Evil حيث أنه يستطيع أن يرتدي بزة مدرعة حربية مجهزة بصواريخ فهذا شيء رائع

    Sergei Vladimir



    حقن Sergei نفسة بفايروس مجهول حول نفسة إلى شيء شبية بالحشرة ضخمة لديه يد ضخمة

  5. #5

    رد: تقرير شامل لـResident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles



    Resident Evil 0 Digest 1

    Bizarre murder cases with people being found dead, their bodies half-eaten, were being reported in the areas near Raccoon City.

    The city’s elite special forces unit, S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics and Rescue Service), sent Bravo Team to the scene. However, due to a mysterious engine failure, Bravo Team’s helicopter crash-landed in the forest.

    Bravo Team narrowly escaped with their lives and stumbles onto a heavily damaged prison convoy and the brutally dismembered corpses of the Marines in charge. Enrico Marini, Bravo Team’s commander, ordered that a search be made for Billy Coen, a former Marine who escaped from the convoy. The newest member of Bravo Team, Rebecca Chambers, discovered a train stopped in the woods and went inside to investigate. Apparently the train had met with some kind of accident – she found all of the passengers dead. One of the supposedly dead passengers came to life and attacked Rebecca.

    Facing certain death, Rebecca was rescued by the prisoner, Billy Coen. Rebecca was still suspicious of Billy but realized that they needed to work together if they wanted to survive the nightmare. Shortly after, the train suddenly started to move. It accelerated and was rapidly approaching dangerous speeds.

    To prevent the imminent derailment, the pair engaged the brake. However, it was too late and the train rolled on its side. The two barely managed to escape the wreck.

    Nearby was Umbrella’s Management Training Facility.

    Resident Evil 0 Digest 2

    The Management Training Facility had been closed since the death of Dr. James Marcus. Parasitic leeches taking the form of humans were attacking any trespassers that entered the abandoned facility. It was true terror come to life.

    The two Umbrella officers, Albert Wesker and William Birkin, were aware of the unfolding events. They were sent to recover the facility, but that plan fell apart with the endless waves of attacking monsters.

    While monitoring Billy and Rebecca’s progress, they began to sense a presence bent on Umbrella’s destruction and decided to destroy the facility. Rebecca and Billy came to trust and rely on each other while struggling through the nightmarish circumstances. Rebecca realized that Billy did not have it in him to have murdered 23 innocent people.

    The pair eventually met with a reanimated Marcus. He told them the startling story of how he was assassinated 10 years ago.

    He had just successfully replicated the T-virus after years of researching leeches when two of Ozwell E. Spencer’s employees, Albert Wesker and William Birkin, assassinated him and stole his research.

    The evolved leeches attached themselves to Marcus’s corpse, absorbing his DNA into their own until eventually creating a copy of him. This new Marcus sought revenge on Umbrella and the world by initiating the outbreak of the T-virus to the surrounding Raccoon Forest, resulting in a full-scale biohazard. The copied Marcus eventually transformed into the Queen Leech, while the timer began to run down on a bomb that was set to level the facility.

    Rebecca and Billy knew what had to be done as the curtain on their last battle rose.

    Court Order for Transportation


    Prisoner Name: Billy Coen

    ID Number: D-1036

    Former second lieutenant, Marine Corps

    Age: 26

    Height: 5ft. 9in.

    Weight: 163lb.

    Transfer Destination: Regarthon Base

    The prisoner was convicted of first-degree murder, court-martialed, and sentenced to death by the 0703rd military tribunal. Sentence is to be carried out upon arrival.

    Samuel Regan,


    Dunell Marine Base

    Regulations for the Trainees

    Training Facility Mission

    This training facility will raise a new generation of model employees to serve the future of Umbrella Corporation. Applying the strictest and most rigorous training standards, this facility will, without regard for gender, race, or creed, produce only the best candidates to be the future leaders of Umbrella. We look forward to the development of your leadership qualities.

    Training Facility Guidelines

    Discipline, Obedience, Unity.

    These three words are the basic principles that should guide all Umbrella Corporation employees, and are to be considered the law of this facility. Keep these words in mind at all times. Devote yourselves to the training, and bring honor to yourselves and the corporation.

    James Marcus,


    Umbrella Corporation,

    Management Training Facility

    Reclamation Project Notes

    The Management Training Facility has been abandoned since James Marcus’s death in 1988. Umbrella undertook a project to reclaim the facility and bring it back under operation. Supplies and human resources were to be divided into two batches and sent in, but the lead group was exterminated y a B.O.W. The special forces unit sent in to investigate was also caught by surprise and taken down by the Leeches. The leaders of the Reclamation Project were Albert Wesker and William Birkin.

    Marcus’s Diary 1

    December 4th

    We finally did it – the new virus! We call it Progenitor. I will begin detailed investigations into this virus immediately.

    March 23rd

    Spencer says he’s going to start a company. Well, I don’t care, as long as I can continue my research into Progenitor. He can do whatever he likes.

    August 19th

    Spencer keeps hassling me to become the director of his new training facility. Maybe it’s due to the business, but he’s becoming intolerably pushy. Perhaps I can turn this to my advantage. I need a special facility to properly explore all the secrets of this virus. A plce where no one will get in the way.

    November 30th

    Damn that Spencer! He came to complain to me again today. He thinks of Progenitor as nothing more than a money-spinning tool. Fool! But if his influence continues to grow it can only be bad for my research. If I’m to properly develop Progenitor, I must strengthen my own position too.

    September 19th

    At last I’ve discovered a way to build a new virus type with Progenitor as a base. Mixing it with leech DNA was the breakthrough I needed. I call this new virus T, and it marks the first successful derivation of the Progenitor line.

    October 23rd

    It’s no good! I can’t hope for progress by experimenting on mere rodents. Only humans can be a proper mammalian subject for these experiments. Otherwise, I’ll never make any real progress.

    November 15th

    Someone seems to suspect something about my experiments, but perhaps it’s just my imagination. Well, if anyone does get too close, they may find themselves unexpectedly “assisting” in my research!

    January 13th

    At last, they are ready. My wonderful leeches! Those of low intelligence will never have the privilege of tasting this sense of joy and satisfaction! Now, finally, I can move against Spencer. Soon, I will control everything.

    January 31st

    The devices I set to protect my work have been disturbed. It appears someone came looking for T and the leeches. Fool. Not doubt the work of Spencer’s group.

    February 11th

    Today, I again found evidence of tampering around the entrance to the labs. If that’s what they’re after, I must find a suitable way to deal with them. Perhaps I should have William and Albert smoke out the pests. Those two are the only ones I trust. Apart from my beloved leeches, of course. But Spencer, it wouldn’t end there, would it?

    Leech Growth Records

    February 3rd, 1978

    I administered Progenitor to four leeches. Their will to survive leads them first to parasitism and predation. Then they breed and multiply. Such a single-minded biology makes them attractive candidates for bio-weapons research. Although they appeared to writhe around in pain at first, they soon settled down. Afterward, no major changes were observed.

    February 10th, 1978

    It has been seven days since the administration of Progenitor. There has been rapid growth to double their former size, and signs of transformation are emerging. Spawning has also been successful. They doubled their numbers in only an hour, but their ravenous appetites led them to cannibalism. I hastened to increase the food supply, but had already lost two of them.

    March 7th, 1978

    I provided them with live food, but lost half when the live food fought back. However, the leeches are learning from experience and are beginning to exhibit group attack behavior. They are also ceasing cannibalism. Their evolution is exceeding expectations.

    April 22nd, 1978

    The leeches no longer exhibit individual behavior, even when not feeding. They move as a collective. They consume everything I offer with remarkable efficiency.

    April 30th, 1978

    An employee has stumbled onto my experiments. Can a human be a food source? How will the leeches respond?

    June 3rd, 1978

    A day worthy of commemoration. Today they began to mimic me! Surely they recognise their father. Wonderful children. No one will take you away.

    Resident Evil Digest 1

    The S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team was sent in to ascertain the cause of the grisly murders taking place in the Arklay Mountains, but all contact with them was cut off during the mission.

    Alpha team was then sent to investigate. While searching for their comrades, Alpha Team fell under attack by monsters and was forced to flee into an ominous mansion.

    The survivors – Chris, Jill, Barry and Wesker – resumed the search fro Bravo Team, but found that most of them had already been killed by zombies. The mansion was filled with trap doors and strange devices and teemed with monstrous dogs, crows, spiders and blood-sucking plants. The mysteries surrounding the old residence became more apparent as the team fought their way through its evil inhabitants. The mansion turned out to be a front for a hidden Umbrella research facility. Alpha Team managed to locate the survivors of Bravo Team – Rebecca, Richard and Enrico – but Richard perished shortly thereafter, and Enrico was murdered while trying to warn of a traitor in their midst.

    Resident Evil Digest 2

    Jill and Chris made their way below the mansion and discovered Umbrella’s high-tech research facility.

    They discovered Wesker in the cultivation chamber and learned that he was a traitor. As a former Umbrella researcher, he had seized the opportunity that the biohazard presented to lure them into the mansion and collect data on the effectiveness of the biological weaponry against highly trained soldiers. Wesker also had further plans to betray Umbrella.

    With the awesome power of the completed Tyrant in his hands, he no longer needed to follow the orders of others. However, after the Tyrant was released, it lashed out and pierced Wesker’s body with its giant claw.

    The Tyrant pursued Jill and Chris, while in the background a self-destruction mechanism had been initialized. The pair made contact with Brad, Alpha’s helicopter pilot, and fled to the helipad to escape.

    The Tyrant followed in pursuit and began to draw closer with each step.

    Keeper’s Diary

    May 9, 1988

    Played poker tonight with Scott and Alias from Security, and Steve from Research. Steve was the big winner, but I think he was cheating. That scumbag.

    May 10, 1998

    One of the higher-ups assigned me to take care of a new creature. It looks like a skinned gorilla to me. I was instructed to feed it live animals.

    When I threw in a pig, the creature seemed to play with it – tearing off the pig’s legs and pulling out the guts before it actually started eating.

    May 11, 1998

    At around 5 A.M., Scott woke me up. Scared the shit out of me, too. He was wearing a protective suit. He handed me another one and told me to put it on. Said there’d been an accident in the basement lab. I just knew something like this would happen. Those bastards in Research never sleep, not even on holidays, so it was only a matter of time before one of them slipped up.

    May 12, 1998

    I’ve been wearing this damn space suit since yesterday. My skin’s getting grimy and feels itchy all over. The goddamn dogs have been looking at me funny, so I decided not to feed them today. Screw ‘em.

    May 13, 1998

    Went to the Infirmary because my back is all swollen and feels itchy. They put a big bandage on it and told me I didn’t need to wear the suit anymore. All I wanna do is sleep.

    May 14, 1998

    Found a big blister on my foot this morning. I ended up dragging my foot all the way to the dogs’ pen. They were quiet all day, which is weird. Then I realized some of them had escaped. Maybe this is their way of getting back at me for not feeding them the last three days. If anybody finds out, I’ll have my head handed to me.

    May 16, 1998

    A rumour is going around that a researcher who tried to escape the estate last night was shot. My entire body feels hot and itchy and I’m sweating all the time now. I scratched the swelling on my arm and a piece of rotten flesh just dropped off. What the hell’s happening to me?

    May 19, 1998

    Fever gone but itchy. Today hungry and eat doggie food.

    May 21, 1998

    Itchy itchy Scott came ugly face so killed him. Tasty.

    4 / /

    Itchy. Tasty.

    Mail to the Chief of Security

    Attn: Chief of Security

    Date: July 22, 1998, 2:13

    X Day is drawing upon us. Execute the following procedures within one week. Prompt actions are demanded.

    1. Lure S.T.A.R.S. to the estate, and obtain the B.O.W. raw combat data against the S.T.A.R.S.

    2. Collect two embryos of each mutated specimen as samples, excluding the Tyrant. Dispose of the Tyrant.

    3. Ensure complete disposal of the Arklay Research Facility, including all personnel and test animals. Disguise their deaths as an accident.

    When the above procedures are executed, report to headquarters for further instructions.

    Sealed Letter to Sergei Vladimir

    Dear Colonel,

    It has been so long since we last met. Has summer come to Russia yet?

    I realize it is sudden, but I have a request that only you can handle, old friend. You already know from the television conference the other day that a response to the incident at Arklay has been ordered.

    The mail calling for X Day Procedure has already been sent. There are stirrings behind closed doors calling for a “disposal” of the entire facility. However, I just cannot help but feel it is a waste, what with our guardian of Crete.

    I apologise for having to make this request of you, but could you fly to Raccoon and recover the prototype for me? There is cause for the urgency of this request. Hidden forces are at work, trying to back me into a corner.

    I suspect there is more to the virus outbreak and other various incidents than is suspected. The company has decided to destroy any evidence implicating their involvement. In the current circumstances, I fear that any correspondence sent by traditional means would be monitored, and so I sealed this message.

    Umbrella is embroiled in a dangerous situation, and these are dangerous times. This is when those who would take advantage of such misfortune will begin to emerge. You have always been our loyal cleaner, and the time when your services are needed has come again.

    Happy hunting.

    (unsigned, but stamped by an old seal)

    Researcher’s Letter

    June 8th, 1998

    My dearest Ada,

    By the time you read this letter, I will no longer be the man you knew, the results of my test came back today, and as I suspected, they came back positive. I feel like I am teetering on the edge of sanity just thinking about my impending doom. I would give anything not to have become one of them.

    As far as I know, you are not infected. I sincerely hope things do not reach such a desperate pass, but if it has turned out that you are the last person remaining alive, I want you to get the material from the Visual Data Room. Then, activate the Self-Destruct System in the Power Room and escape from here. Please do everything in your power to make this whole incident public.

    If everything is still running normally, you should be able to release all the locks using the Security System. I have set up the terminal in the small security room so that you can log in to the system using my name and your name as the password.

    You will need another password to release the lock of the door in Basement Level Two where the Visual Data Room is located. As a safety measure I have coded that password into an X-ray picture; a roentgenogram. I know you, and I’m sure you will be able o work it out without any trouble.

    There is just one more thing…and it is my last request. I hope you never have to lay eyes on me in that state, but if you do happen to run into me in my hideous form, I beg you to put me out of my misery. I hope you understand. Thank you, Ada.

    Yours truly,


    Resident Evil 2 Digest 1

    Two months after the mansion incident, Raccoon City had shown signs of changing. Leon S. Kennedy is R.P.D.’s newest police officer, and he has arrived in Raccoon City for his first day on the job.

    The town is swarming with zombies, and shortly after reaching town, Leon has to save Claire Redfield from an attacking zombie.

    Claire is S.T.A.R.S. team member Chris Redfield’s younger sister, and she has come looking for her brother. Claire and Leon flee together to the safest location they can think of – the R.P.D. police station.

    They manage to reach the station but find that the police force has already been devastated. The two decide to split up to try and look for survivors and an escape route. While exploring the expansive police station, Leon meets Ada Wong in the parking garage, and they continue exploring together. Meanwhile, Claire finds and rescues a young girl. She tells Claire that her name is Sherry and that she got separated from her parents. Leon finds that there is a sewer line linking the police station with an Umbrella research facility. What he did not yet realize was that there would be a powerful monster standing in between him and his escape.

    Resident Evil 2 Digest 2

    In the research facility, Claire ran into Annette, an Umbrella researcher and Sherry’s mother. She gives Claire a full account of the causes leading to the outbreak in Raccoon City.

    The monster called “G” that was in the sewers was really her husband, William, after he injected himself with an experimental virus called the G-virus. The outbreak of the T-virus sparked a battle for control of the new G-virus between William and Umbrella.

    Leon had made his way to a different part of the research facility and was attacked by a Tyrant. During the fight, he leapt into danger and saved Ada from certain death. They continued through the facility together and a bond began to form between them. Ada finally revealed the truth to Leon that she was actually a spy sent to steal the G-virus.

    While Leon was with Ada, Claire was still with Annette, and G had appeared suddenly in front of the pair, cutting Annette down. She entrusts the instructions on producing the G-virus vaccine to Claire shortly before dying.

    Sherry has become infected with the virus, and Claire hurried to produce the vaccine. Can Claire and Leon reunite and escape the disaster? What will become of the infected Sherry?

    Operation Report

    Operation Report

    September 27th 1:00 P.M.

    The west barricade has been compromised and another exchange ensued. We sheltered the injured in the confiscation room on the first floor temporarily. Twelve more people were injured in the battle.

    Recorder: David Ford

    Additional Report

    Three additional people were killed following the sudden appearance of an unknown creature. This creature is identified by missing patches of skin and razor-like claws. However, its most distinguishing characteristic is its lance-like tongue, capable of impaling a person in an instant. Their numbers as well as their locations remain unknown. We have tentatively named this creature the “Licker” and are currently in the process of developing countermeasures to deal with this new threat.

    Chief’s Diary

    September 23rd

    It’s all over. Thos imbeciles from Umbrella have finally done it. Despite all their promises, they’ve ruined my beautiful city. Soon the streets will be infested with zombies. I’m beginning to thing that I may even be infected myself. If I am, I’ll make sure I kill every last person in this town!

    September 24th

    I was successful in spreading confusion among the police as planned. I’ve made sure no one from the outside will come to help.

    With the delays in police action, no one will have the chance to escape the city alive. I’ve seen to it personally that all escape routes from inside the precinct have been cut off as well.

    There are several survivors still attempting to escape through the lower levels, but I’ll make sure no one gets out.

    September 26th

    I’ve had a change of plans about the remaining survivors inside the precinct. I’ve decided to hunt them down myself.

    I shot Ed in the back less than an hour ago. I watched him writhe in pain upon the floor in a poll of his own blood. The expression on his face was positively exquisite. He died with his eyes wide open, staring up at me. It was beautiful.

    I wonder if the mayor’s daughter is still alive? I let her escape so I could enjoy hunting her down later. I’m going to enjoy my new trophy. Frozen forever in the pose I choose to give her.

    Mail to the Chief

    To: Mr. Brian Irons,

    Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept.

    We have lost the mansion due to the actions of a renegade operative, Albert Wesker. Fortunately his interference will have no lasting repercussions upon our continued virus research. Our only present concern is the presence of the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members: Redfield, Valentine, Burton, Chambers and Vickers.

    If it comes to light that the S.T.A.R.S. have any evidence as to the activities of our research, dispose of them in such a manner that would appear to be purely accidental. Continue to monitor their progress and make certain their knowledge does not go public.

    Annette will continue to be your contact throughout this affair.

    William Birkin

    To: Mr. Brian Irons,

    Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept.

    I have deposited the amount of $10,000 into the account for your services this term as per our agreement. The development of the G-virus scheduled to replace the T-virus, is near completion.

    Once it is completed, I am certain that I will be appointed to the executive board of Umbrella Corp. It is imperative that we proceed with extreme caution. Redfield and the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members are still attempting to uncover information on the project.

    Continue to monitor their activities and block all attempts to investigate the underground research facilities.

    William Birkin

    To: Mr. Brian Irons,

    Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept.

    We have a problem. I have received information informing me that Umbrella HQ has sent spies to recover my research on the G-virus. There are an unknown number of agents involved. They must not be allowed to take this project away from me as it represents my entire life’s work. Search the city thoroughly for any suspicious persons. Detain any such individuals by whatever means deemed necessary and contact me immediately through Annette. With these precautions, any possible threat should be eliminated.

    I will not allow anyone to steal my work on the G-virus. Not even Umbrella…

    William Birkin

    Emergency Orders

    As of 12 A.M. today, September 9th, 1998, in provision with Article 12 of the Internal Emergency Procedures, all equipment and personnel are now under the command of the Captain of the Guard, Sergei Vladimir. His orders are to be strictly obeyed. Any attempts to disobey orders will be punishable by death.

    1. This vessel is to infiltrate Raccoon City and air-drop T1 into the R.P.D. police station to take care of any possible survivors.

    2. The remaining Ts on board should be dropped in the P-12A Incinerator Facility. They will be able to respond to well-equipped and well-trained U.S. special forces in the area. We must make sure we take all necessary steps to clean them up.

    3. After completing the preceding steps, this vessel is to retreat from Raccoon City airspace as quickly as possible. After releasing all of the Ts, there will be another piece of cargo to be transported. Details will follow later.

    Resident Evil 3 Digest 1

    It was 1998, and signs of the coming fall were in the air of Raccoon City. Jill remained in the city to investigate Umbrella but did not realize the situation had become so dire.

    Upon realizing the extent of the danger, she decided to escape. The virus had rapidly spread, and much of the town’s population had already turned into zombies. Umbrella sent in the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service (U.B.C.S.) under the guise of evacuating the survivors. One of the U.B.C.S. men was mercenary Carlos Oliveira. Jill and Carlos began to work together to try and escape the hell on earth Raccoon City had become. A black-coated monster stood between them and their freedom. Nemesis, or the Pursuer, was intent on wiping out every last member of S.T.A.R.S.

    Nemesis had already made short work of Brad and continued to track Jill down to accomplish its mission objectives.

    Resident Evil 3 Digest 2

    The tenacious Nemesis was cutting down on U.B.C.S. soldier after another. Of course, a betrayer was also responsible for many of the U.B.C.S. losses. This betrayer was Nicholai Ginovaef, a member of the internal espionage group within Umbrella with special orders. He was planning to take back field combat data from the city to Umbrella, while betraying members of the U.B.C.S. for money. That is when Carlos Oliveira delivered the startling news. In a matter of hours, a missile that had been launched would annihilate all traces of Raccoon City.

    There was not much time left and the Nemesis mutated to a more powerful form with each attack. Despite the desperation of the situation, Nicholai was only interested in the bounty placed on Jill’s head. In the meantime, Jill and Carlos continued to look for a means of escaping the ill-fated town.

    Jill’s Diary

    August 7th

    Two weeks have passed since that day. My physical wounds have healed, but I just can’t forget that nightmare. For most people, it’s history now. But for me, whenever I close my eyes, it all comes flooding back. Zombies eating people and the screams of my teammates dying. No, the wounds in my heart have yet to heal.

    August 13th

    Chris has been causing a lot of trouble recently. What’s with him? He seldom talks to the other police members and is constantly on edge. The other day, he punched Elran of the Juvenile Crime Department just for accidentally spilling coffee on him. I tried to approach him, but when he saw me he just gave me a wink and walked away. I wonder what’s going on in that head of his.

    August 15th

    At midnight, Chris, who has been on a leave of absence for a vacation, called me and asked me to meet him at his apartment. When I got there he showed me a couple of pieces of paper. They were part of a virus research report entitled simply “G”. According to Chris, “the nightmare continues”. He later went on to say that “it’s not over yet”. It appears that ever since that day at the mansion he has been fighting to uncover the truth all by himself, without rest and without even telling me.

    August 24th

    Chris left town today for Europe. Barry said that he was going to send his family to Canada first and then meet up with Chris after that. I have decided to remain in Raccoon City for the time being because I know that the research facility here will be vital to this case. After gathering as much information as I can, I will regroup with Barry and Chris in about a month. I know that is when my true struggle will begin…

    Reporter’s Memo

    At last! I have found the evidence I need to prove that the “cannibal disease” is indeed present in this city.

    I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes! I saw one man actually eating another. He behaved like a savage beast, tearing flesh from bone. It was horrifying. I have heard rumours that numerous people now suffer from this disease. The cause, however, remains a mystery. I must look into this further. The government has placed Raccoon City under martial law to prevent the spread of the disease. Due to this, I have lost contact with the media outside of the city. But I’m not giving up yet. As a journalist, I have a duty to the people and my profession. From what I have gathered, the disease has not spread nationwide yet. It is my belief that this city holds the key to the creation of the disease and its cure.

    The military has set up blockades around the city to keep people from escaping and spreading the disease. Most of the citizens of this once great city are now either dead or infected. I know that it is the right decision to quarantine the city, but I can’t help but feel sorry for myself. Will I be infected or eaten? I suppose it doesn’t matter. My fate has already been sealed. All I have left is my work. I won’t give up until I solve the mystery of this deadly disease. I have already discovered that it is not an airborne strain but is spread by some other means.

    Dario’s Memo

    I can’t help but wonder if anyone will ever actually read these words, but writing them down helps me keep the last shred of sanity I still have left.

    After I’ve become a meal for these undead monsters, I’m sure the G.I.s responsible for sealing off the town will have a good laugh if they discover this memo. Is this how it’s supposed to end? I don’t want to die. I’m not ready.

    My wife, daughter, mother, my entire family has been killed. But none of that matters anymore. Right now, I have to worry about myself. That’s all I have left. I never would have imagined my end to be like this. I had so much left to do. Rather than becoming a salesman, I should have tried my hand at being an author. That’s what I always wanted to do, but my mother was less than supportive of my dream. Why did I ever listen to her?

    This looks like the end for the great Dario Rosso, future best-selling author.

    Cut down before his prime…

    Fax from the HQ


    The Raccoon City project has been abandoned. Our political maneuvering in the Senate to delay their plans has failed. All supervisors should evacuate immediately. The U.S. Army is going to execute their plan tomorrow morning. The city will be obliterated at daybreak.

    Billy Coen Profile

    Originally a second lieutenant in the U.S.M.C., Billy Coen was sentenced to death for first-degree murder for his role in the deaths of 23 people. Billy is perceptive and can expertly handle any weapons. His body, hardened by Marine training, is a match for any monster in battle. He is a cynical man of few words, but he possesses a keen sense of justice and a deep passion for his duty.

  6. #6

    رد: تقرير شامل لـResident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles

    Rebecca Chambers Profile

    A member of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team, Rebecca is an expert in the manufacture and preparation of pharmaceuticals and serves as the team’s medic. She is highly talented and graduated college at the young age of 18. Although she looks delicate, she is a woman of action and clam in the face of danger. She lacks experience in actual combat, so she can appear childish at times and can sometimes hesitate when finding herself overwhelmed by an unknown situation.

    Chris Redfield Profile

    Chris Redfield is a member of S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team. His marksmanship is #1 amongst the sharpshooters assembled in Alpha. He was once a pilot in the U.S.A.F. and has been rigorously trained in hand-to-hand as well as knife combat. He has pursued Umbrella and the people behind it even after the fall of Raccoon City by helping to organize a private biohazard containment unit.

    An excellent observer with keen insight, his sense of right and wrong is unwavering. This is often a source of conflict between Chris and his superiors. He has a younger sister, Claire, of whom he is very protective.

    Jill Valentine Profile

    Alpha Team’s Jill Valentine is very dexterous and is an expert at picking locks, earning her the somewhat awkward title of “Master of Unlocking”. She is not only highly skilled in bomb disposal, but is excellent at breaking down any situation and determining the best course of action. Her years of U.S. Army Delta Force training have helped make her a crack shot.

    After the destruction of Raccoon City, both she and Chris have joined a private biohazard containment unit with the goal of taking Umbrella down once and for all. Serious, with a strong sense of justice, she’s very direct in her actions. She typically shows only her tough side to others, but there are times when she lets her guard down and shows a softer side.

    Barry Burton Profile

    A member of S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team, Barry Burton used to serve in the same military unit with Chris Redfield and employs his expert knowledge in firearms to adjust and supply the guns for the group. He is good-natured and compassionate, with a strong sense of duty. He deeply loves his wife, Kathy, and two daughters, Moira and Polly. After escaping from the mansion, he took his family to Canada and returned alone to Raccoon City to rescue his friend and former comrade from S.T.A.R.S.

    Brad Vickers Profile

    A member of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team, Brad Vickers is in charge of chemical protection and also serves as the team’s helicopter pilot. He is prone to cowardice, a trait most notably demonstrated when he fled and left his team dead at the mansion. His guilty conscience eventually forced him to return to try and save the remaining survivors. Despite his one moment of courage, he could never change his true nature. In the end he was tracked down and killed by the Nemesis.

    Richard Aiken Profile

    A member of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team, Richard Aiken is the BUM, or back-up man, for the team and specializes in the shotgun. He is also charged with looking after the inexperienced Rebecca Chambers. This young man has a bright disposition and is frank with others. He cares for people and will do whatever it takes, even at the cost of his own life, to protect someone.

    Enrico Marini Profile

    He is the leader of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team and second in command of S.T.A.R.S. Enrico is a veteran with survival skills and is highly regarded by his subordinates. Enrico’s Bravo Team was on the way to investigate the bizarre murders in Raccoon Forest when their helicopter was forced to make an emergency landing. They proceeded to investigate on foot. Along the way, his team got split up and attacked by monsters in the forest. Enrico decided the Bravo Team’s best chances of survival were with fleeing into the mansion, a secret Umbrella research facility. After escaping to the mansion, Enrico soon learned that there was a traitor within S.T.A.R.S.

    Edward Dewey Profile

    A member of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team, Edward Dewey is the RS, or rear security, for the team, and although he normally serves as the main pilot, he acted as copilot to Kevin Dooly for the Raccoon Forest mission. After the helicopter crash-landed, he discovered the Ecliptic Express and looked around inside, only to be bitten by a zombie, making him the first S.T.A.R.S. victim.

    Forest Speyer Profile

    Forest Speyer is a member of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team. His sharp-shooting skills almost rival Chris’s. He escaped to the mansion but was attacked by a monster and left for dead on the balcony, where his body was later discovered.

    Kenneth J. Sullivan Profile

    A member of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team, Kenneth J. Sullivan is a veteran who can be trusted to bring his vast experience and wisdom to his investigations. He is charged with recon and position security. He made it to the mansion but was soon overtaken and became a meal for a zombie.

    Leon S. Kennedy Profile

    After graduating from the police academy, he asked to be assigned to the Raccoon City police, who are in the middle of investigating the bizarre murders in the area. Upon arrival to the devastated city, he does what he can to rescue the survivors. Although he has little practical experience, he makes up for it with a strong survival instinct and natural abilities. After escaping Raccoon City, he is scouted to become an agent for the U.S. government. He has a strong sense of justice and never hesitates to act. His youth can sometimes lead him astray when it comes to the fairer sex.

    Brian Iron’s Profile

    The chief of police for the R.P.D., Brian Irons maintains the façade of being a warm-hearted police chief, but he was accepting bribes from Umbrella to turn a blind eye to their many illegal activities in the city. When members of S.T.A.R.S. returned with reports of the mansion incident, he intentionally blocked all further attempts at investigating the matter.

    His dark side is not a recent phenomenon. A little known fact about his past is that he was twice accused of domestic violence against his wife during his college years, and he avoided incarceration by agreeing to undertake psychiatric evaluation. During the events in Raccoon City, his unstable nature began to rear its ugly head again. He locked down the police station to make sure all of his subordinates went down with him and even made a personal trophy of the mayor’s dead daughter.

    Carlos Oliveira Profile

    A young mercenary with Native American blood in his veins, Carlos Oliveira was active in anti-government guerilla operations in South America. After government forces wiped out his organisation, he was scouted by Umbrella Corporation to join their U.B.C.S. special ops unit. He is an expert in heavy weaponry and vehicle operation, making him a valuable asset. He is warm-hearted and is known to joke around. Perhaps as a result of being raised amidst violence, he is brave and always willing to throw himself in the middle of danger.

    HUNK Profile

    HUNK has carried out a large number of successful operations, many of which he was the only one to return alive from, earning him the nickname “Mr. Death”. He is a member of Umbrella special forces and was the operative that single-handedly recovered the G-virus despite the rest of his unit being wiped out by the G creature that used to be William Birkin. Cold, silent, and devoid of emotion, he is a human machine. He has never shown his true nature, and even his true face is unknown.

    Ada Wong Profile

    Ada Wong is a woman shrouded in mystery. She tells Leon that she has come to Raccoon City looking for her lover, but this is only cover. She is actually a spy who has come to retrieve a sample of the G-virus. She has undergone rigorous special training in firearms and acrobatics, making her a real pro. Ada is always calm and collected even in the most extreme circumstances.

    She is cold and mysterious, but can show a feminine side from time to time. Whether she truly cares about anyone else or is just using her charms to manipulate people is never clear. Who is the real Ada Wong? Nobody knows.

    Albert Wesker Profile

    One of the men behind the biohazard outbreak, and always seen with his signature shades on, Albert Wesker possesses knowledge about biological engineering and used to be an agent for Umbrella. He was planted in S.T.A.R.S. to spy on the agents and was even made their commanding officer.

    Wesker took particular note of Chris and his combat prowess while in charge of the team. He is cold-blooded and has no qualms about betraying the people who place their faith in him. He betrayed and killed Marcus, lured the S.T.A.R.S. teams into the mansion and nearly wiped them out, and even pretended to be dead to join Umbrella’s rival company.

    Wesker was the one who sent Ada Wong to retrieve the G-virus and was involved in the incidents at Rockfort Island. He appears intent on gathering as much data as possible on viral weaponry. Since injecting himself with a virus during the events at the mansion, his power has grown far beyond that of a normal human being.

    William Birkin Profile

    A world-renowned scientist working for Umbrella, William Birkin is the primary figure responsible for the development of the G-virus. He was also a core component in continuing research on the T-virus where Marcus left off. However, some unpleasantness arose between him and Umbrella, prompting him to approach the U.S. military. Umbrella responded by sending in their special forces.

    Shortly before his death at their hands, he injected himself with the G-virus and transformed into a monster. He is survived by a daughter, Sherry, from his late wife, Annette.

    James Marcus Profile

    James Marcus was the first head of Umbrella’s Management Training Facility. A founding member of Umbrella Corporation and one of the pioneers who discovered the Progenitor virus, he was so involved in his research he began to use Umbrella employees as test subjects in his experiments. The number of sacrifices totaled nearly 20 people. Acting under special orders from Ozwell E. Spencer, Albert Wesker and William Birkin assassinated Dr. Marcus in 1988. However, 10 years after his death, he was mysteriously revived. To exact his revenge, he began secret activities with the goal of destroying not only Umbrella, but the entire world.

    Sergei Vladimir Profile

    Sergei Vladimir is an officer in Umbrella. During his army days, he held the rank of colonel and is still called that on occasion as a nickname. He approached Umbrella after the fall of the Soviet Union, looking for work. He is involved in Tyrant research, and his experience in military affairs has made him instrumental in the founding of Umbrella’s private militia, the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service (U.B.C.S.).

    He shows an ardor for following Spencer’s orders and makes sure even the most radical of Spencer’s wishes are carried out.

    Ozwell E. Spencer Profile

    The founder of Umbrella Corporation, Ozwell E. Spencer, is a man of noble birth, and together with James Marcus and Edward Ashford, he discovered the Progenitor virus. To continue researching the virus as a potential biological weapon, the three created Umbrella Corporation as a front for their activities. Spencer mercilessly removed rival after rival, continuing to expand his own influence. With the completion of research on the T-virus, he seized full control of Umbrella. He never reveals himself or his true intentions even to officers of the company, leaving Spencer a figure shrouded in mystery.

    Ecliptic Express Notes

    A special express train bound for the Management Training Facility, the Ecliptic Express appears to be a typical train at first glance, but its purpose is to bring Umbrella employees to the facility to undergo special training. The rails are privately owned and stretch through Raccoon Forest to allow direct delivery of materials and human resources to various Umbrella facilities.

    Raccoon Forest Notes

    Large Raccoon Forest lies on the northern outskirts of Raccoon City and includes the Arklay Mountains. It’s a rich habitat, home to a multitude of the area’s woodland creatures. The abundance of life in the forest is one contributing factor to the rapid widespread dispersion and mutation of the virus, resulting in a biohazard. The Arklay Research Facility and Management Training Facility both lie within the forest.

    Arklay Research Facility “Mansion” Notes

    Umbrella’s research facility was built deep within Raccoon Forest. The primary facilities are buried deep underground, while the two-story mansion that rests aboveground serves as a façade. The mansion’s construction includes a wide range of insidious traps and devices created by the architect, George Trevor.

    R.P.D. Notes

    The Raccoon City’s police department is led by Chief Brian Irons. Brian is deeply connected Umbrella who has been working with him behind the scenes. R.P.D. includes the special unit S.T.A.R.S. and is outfitted with far more technology than appropriate for such a small city thanks to generous donations from Umbrella. The police station itself was also filled with expensive art pieces and resembled a museum more than a station. The brave officers of the R.P.D. did what they could for the citizens of Raccoon City in the face of the spreading T-virus, but with their chief gone mad and giving them confusing orders, they could not pull it together and were eventually wiped out despite having some of the nation’s finest.

    Raccoon City Notes

    An industrialised city located in the American Midwest, Raccoon City is surrounded by nature, with an expansive forest to the north and plentiful fresh water supplies. Raccoon City boasts a population of 100,000 people, classifying it as a midsized city. The city successfully attracted investment from the multinational corporation Umbrella, and soon grew to become an industrialised company town with nearly a third of the population directly employed by Umbrella.

    Eradication Operation Notes

    Even after the mansion incident ended, the “cannibal disease” (T-virus) had spread to Raccoon City, plunging it into a state of panic. The city was quarantined, while R.P.D. officers and U.B.C.S. soldiers attempted to rescue its citizens. The situation grew more and more desperate, and the possibility of the virus spreading beyond the quarantine was growing. The U.S. government was concerned and called a nationwide conference to discuss the next step. They formulated a plan for the complete eradication of the city. In compliance, on October 1st, 1998, the military launched a new type of strategic missile into the heart of the city. Raccoon City, with its 100,000 inhabitants, was forever wiped from the face of the earth.

    S.T.A.R.S. Notes

    Special Tactics and Rescue Service, or S.T.A.R.S., was established within the Raccoon Police Department and is divided into an Alpha and a Bravo team. This elite group was formed to respond to terrorism, organized crime, and emergencies too difficult for the regular police forces to handle. Its members include a hand-picked group of specialists, the best of the best. Their funding was provided by a grant from private corporations, most notably Umbrella Corporation.

    U.B.C.S. Notes

    The Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service, or U.B.C.S., is a private military group operated by Umbrella. U.B.C.S. exists primarily to control the disasters caused by Umbrella’s products and is always first on the scene of any accident. Because of the dangerous nature of this work, many of the members are war criminals, refugees or others recruited with the promise of being pardoned from death sentences or life imprisonment. These soldiers often come from the armies of communist countries and possess a solid military background.

    Monitor Notes

    Monitor is an internal espionage organisation within Umbrella set up to monitor suspicious activity among its employees. Operatives are usually placed throughout the organisation and maintain the image of normal employees to help them conduct their activities. There were several placed among the U.B.C.S., one of whom was Nicholai Ginovaef. Their orders range from spying on fellow employees and destroying evidence to cleanup operations, including assassinations as required. The rewards for successful operations far outweigh the risks, and monitors feel no remorse for selling out or killing their supposed comrades. Rumours are that Colonel Sergei Vladimir is the one pulling the strings behind the group.

    Umbrella Special Forces

    This elite special forces unit is owned and operated by Umbrella. It reports directly to the highest ranking officers in Umbrella. Unlike the U.B.C.S., which performs more visible missions such as rescuing civilians, this unit maintains total secrecy and a small size. Delta Team was sent in to blow up the Ecliptic Express after the trouble occurred, but it was overwhelmed by the leeches and wiped out. One of the unit’s more notable members, HUNK, belongs to the Alpha Team and carried out the impossible mission of retrieving the G-virus from the research facility under Raccoon City.

    Umbrella Russian Branch Notes

    This branch of Umbrella is a research lab located in the Caucasus region, in the south of Russia. On the surface, it appears to be a government-operated chemical processing plant, but it has been taken over by Umbrella after the fall of the Soviet Union and maintained as a front. Umbrella built facilities beneath the surface to perform viral and B.O.W. research. It is Umbrella’s newest base and serves as Sergei Vladimir’s headquarters.

    Red Queen Notes

    Red Queen is the code name of the AI defense system developed by Umbrella. The AI is contained within U.M.F.-13. However, the AI has unrestricted access to the entire Umbrella network for administration, monitoring and carrying out certain procedures. This additional functionality is a security fail-safe, but in most circumstances, Red Queen is in the background performing only its primary monitoring function. In emergencies, it will serve a more active role and protect sensitive systems and date from intrusion along with cleaning up hostiles. It is self-aware and can take these measures based on its own judgment.


    The 13th-generation supercomputer U.M.F.-13 is contained in the underground Raccoon City research facility shelter. All of the data gathered from the network of Umbrella’s branches around the world is stored as a backup on this mainframe. This wealth of information is kept in one location to serve as a safety measure should Umbrella run into difficulty and need to be reestablished.

    Richard Aiken’s Letter

    Dear Bridgette,

    I understand your concerns about me taking up this dangerous line of work. As a member of S.T.A.R.S., I will always be in the line of fire. I figured this was as good a time as any to explain my actions. Bridgette, I know I’ve talked about her before, but the memory of my little sister eats at me from the inside. I couldn’t save her from that criminal.

    I know you tried to console me, telling me that there was nothing I could do being so young. But I was so paralyzed by fear and doubt that I couldn’t do anything.

    My baby sister was killed right in front of my very eyes and I couldn’t move an inch. I couldn’t protect her. I was so helpless. It feels like I should have died in her place and I just can’t shake that feeling. All I can do is try to bury that feeling and protect the people that need it most, so they don’t have to go through what I did. I’m not giving up this job, and I will continue to protect who I can.

    S.T.A.R.S. is the only way I can live with myself. I don’t want to die in vain. I never want to hesitate when that moment comes again.

    Don’t worry; I’m not that little kid anymore and I’ll come back alive. I promise. You’re the most important thing in my life, and I always want to be there for you when you need me.



    Memo about Billy’s Past

    Tragedy rocks the U.S. Marine Corps! A dark day in Africa

    Rumours surround Dunell Marine Base, situated in the American heartland. These rumours were sparked by the U.N. condemnation of the Guerilla Cleanup Operation in Africa.

    A nonprofit organisation has disclosed that the execution of 23 alleged soldiers was actually the slaughter of 23 innocent local inhabitants. The military has retracted its initial statements about the operation, and the world is in uproar over its involvement in the affair. An investigative committee has been quickly assembled to look into the incident, and the results of the inquiry are disturbing.

    They have announced that the truth of the matter is that one Marine panicked under the extreme conditions and unintentionally killed the civilians. This Marine is said to be currently being held under close medical supervision and will receive just punishment in full accordance with the law. Details on the individual remain undisclosed at this time.

    The military’s reluctance to disclose information has only fueled media claims of a coverup. Should the top brass be allowed to shirk responsibility for a soldier in their command massacring 23 innocent people? Does this cold-blooded killing machine of a Marine even exist? This would not be the first time the military kept information on an operation quiet, but the emergence of a single solider to blame seems all too convenient and reeks of conspiracy.

    If they do not disclose the full truth behind the incident, there is no foundation for regaining the trust of the citizens they are supposed to protect. The military will not be able to escape the suspicions of the people, nor of the family of the soldier implicated in this sad affair.

    Dunell Marine Base continues to deny media access to the facility, while soldiers continue their drills as if nothing has happened. Where is the justice? Is this what our America has become? We all want to believe that our brave, shining knights in the U.S. military have our best interests at heart, so we can only hope and wait for an appropriate response to the public’s outrage.

    Jeff Hendricks

    War’s Power


    Memo on the Founding of Umbrella

    Umbrella was founded in 1963 by three partners – myself, my good friend Edward Ashford, and prominent virology expert Dr. James Marcus.

    We shared a common goal from the outset. We believed that virus research would play an important role in improving people’s health. One day, it would even help to build a society free from the ills of disease/

    The Umbrella logo is a symbol of our unwavering pledge: preserving the health of the people. Technology is the umbrella that will serve that purpose. Thanks to everyone’s support, our company has grown and the Umbrella logo is recognised and trusted throughout the world. For 40 years, we have followed our principles and delivered safety and peace of mind to medical facilities and homes.

    I would like to thank our loyal shareholders, employees and customers for their invaluable contributions to our continuing success. Unfortunately, both Edward and James have passed on in the course of this last year. When I mourn their loss, I feel their shining example lives on in the work we do every day. I know they would be proud if they could see Umbrella now.

    We at Umbrella will continue to do our best to spur new innovation and make the world a better place for everyone. Humanity’s future is safe under our umbrella.

    We appreciate your continued support.

    Umbrella Corporation Founder,

    Ozwell E. Spencer

    Umbrella Raccoon City Judgement

    After the Raccoon City incident, the U.S. government issued an order for Umbrella to cease and desist all operations. In response, Ozwell E. Spencer hired the best lawyers money could buy and prepared false witnesses to try and create the appearance of a conspiracy with which to turn the public opinion away from Umbrella and toward the government. Survivors of the incident presented their testimonies, but the lack of evidence, most of which had been wiped out in the eradication operation, and the withholding of testimony by government employees, who feared being implicated, made the case drag on without a conclusion.

    Letter from Sergei to Nicholai

    Nicholai, I apologise for the delay in responding. Your offer definitely has the potential to turn quite a profit. However, the price I had to pay was high and had to be considered carefully.

    I have not changed my mind about relinquishing them. I understand that these ten soldiers I’ve fought alongside with are nothing more than a number, a price tag, to Umbrella.

    I’m sure you are finding this all quite amusing, Silver Fox, but this is a sad day for me. I feared the day I would have to make this decision. After all, these men were all raised by me and are a part of me. I can’t help but feel reservations about turning these thinking, feeling human beings into biological weapons and cursing them to an eternity of living death. However, I have made my decision and will not waver. Progress is always built on sacrifice. If we are to truly restore our Mother into the great country she once was, I am willing to endure any amount of suffering, and a price in blood is still a small price to pay. If I have to cut down my very body, it is a sacrifice I am willing to make. I will wail and shed tears of blood and rend every last flesh of regret from my body if it means I can usher in a new age. My answer, comrade, is yes. Silver Fox, your wish shall be granted.

    Sergei Vladimir

    Online Interview with Anti-Umbrella Activist (Sara Brighton)

    Reporter: The trial is the talk of the internet, and queries on popular search engines continue to make the top three list. However, there are many who raise their eyebrows at your battle against the multinational corporation as carrying things too far. What is your opinion on this?

    Sara: Umbrella is not just another out-for-profit corporation; they are a powerful organisation closely resembling an army or a country. We have no choice but to wage war this way on a company trying to cover up the truth. We have battled in court for almost half a decade now to reach a verdict against Umbrella, and we would do it again if given the choice.

    Reporter: So you’re the David fighting the Goliath of Umbrella. However, now that a decision has been handed down, the problem’s solved, right?

    Sara: One problem was solved, but some doubt still remains, and I feel it’s too early to celebrate our victory.

    Reporter: Doubt? And what doubt would that be?

    Sara: There are two questions we need to ask ourselves. First, why is it that it has taken so long for evidence against Umbrella to appear? Why now? Second, why is the nature of that evidence still being concealed to this day?

    Reporter: There are a lot of popular theories flying around about that one.

    Sara: Take a look at the court records. It seems as if the evidence was data being stored on a computer. Umbrella must have been hiding it right to the very end. The most likely reason none of this evidence has gone public is that it contains information that would incriminate many world governments, including our own. This evidence is also rumoured to have been acquired from dealings with an anti-social organisation.

    Reporter: But Umbrella’s gone. Certainly that means the biggest menace is out of the way, right?

    Sara: Have the wrongdoings of Umbrella come to light? Certainly. But all of the data on virus production and biological weaponry has not. I don’t feel the data has been erased, but that it has ended up in someone’s hands, someone who will inherit Umbrella’s dark legacy.

    Reporter: Inheriting a dark legacy? That sounds like something out of a TV show.

    Sara: It’s easy to laugh and dismiss it as some movie-of-the-week story. However, if there is any chance that such a possibility is true, it is worth our concern. Humans can be foolish creatures. Even after witnessing the destructive might that wiped out an entire city, someone could still steal that power and try to use it to further their own ambitions, regardless of the price to be paid. Umbrella may only be the beginning of this nightmare. The mystery surrounding the court decision makes that much pretty obvious.

  7. #7

    رد: تقرير شامل لـResident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles

    B.O.W. Notes

    A bio-organic weapon, or B.O.W., is an organism mutated using the power of the T-virus developed by Umbrella. There are numerous varieties of B.O.W., all developed to accomplish different aims, from combat to viral contamination. Widely considered the most successful of the B.O.W.s is the humanoid Tyrant. B.O.W.s include all organic weapons intentionally designed by Umbrella, but do not include monsters created as a result of secondary infection by the T-virus.

    Adder Notes

    This small, venomous snake was secondarily infected by the T-virus, leading to a mutation with an enhanced ability to attack prey. It has the ability to multiply with incredible speed, and its already-potent venom has further enhanced by the effects of the virus. The adder’s bite also carries with it the potential to further spread the T-virus.

    Bat Notes

    Secondarily infected with the T-virus, which gives it heightened aggressiveness, the bat has a tendency to lunge at humans when it detects them. Its physical features are not much different from those of other bats that live in Raccoon Forest, but its hostile behavior increases the chance of spreading the T-virus.

    Black Tiger Notes

    The Black Tiger is a disposed-of Web Spinner that mutated and grew even larger and more deadly. It can be differentiated from a Web Spinner by the black markings on its body. Its ability to create a web and nest has returned, providing it with an additional tool for trapping large prey.

    Cerberus Notes

    The Cerberus is a B.O.W. created by administering the T-virus to large Dobermans used in the military. Its skin is severely damaged, although its speed and endurance are considerably heightened. When it finds its prey, it will coordinate with others in its pack and attack in waves. They are suspected to be the main cause of numerous mutilated bodies found in Raccoon Forest.

    Chimera Notes

    This grotesque B.O.W. was created by combining the genes of a human being with those of a fly. Although the Chimera’s general shape is humanoid, it has retained many fly characteristics, such as the ability to crawl on walls and its sharp appendages. Its intelligence is on par with that of an insect, and its body contains within it numerous maggots. Its appearance provokes fear in humans.

    Crimson Head Notes

    The Crimson Head is a zombie that has undergone a sudden mutation, bringing with it a ferociousness surpassing that of a standard zombie. The mutation process requires that the zombie first be incapacitated. At this time, the creature’s body tissue is reconstructed at the cellular level, resulting in renewed activity as well as the tell-tale reddish color that gives the Crimson Head its name. It possesses long, sharp claws and relentlessly pursues victims with a speed unseen in zombies.

    Crow Notes

    Wild crows were infected by the T-virus. Although their appearance remains mostly unaltered by the infection, they have grown more violent and are no longer frightened off by loud sounds. The fact that they care capable of flight makes them an extremely dangerous carrier for the virus.

    Eliminator Notes

    The Eliminator is a biological weapon created from a large monkey by Dr. James Marcus. Because it’s based on a primate, the creature is highly intelligent and capable of executing commands. In response to the virus, the Eliminator’s muscle tissue strengthens and swells to such an extent as to tear through its skin.

    When the Eliminator detects prey, hunger drives it to jump and viciously attack with incredible speed.

    Grave Digger Notes

    An arthropod that has mutated to an enormous size as a side-effect from the T-virus, the Grave Digger burrows beneath the ground until it senses prey, at which point it will rush up to the surface to take it by surprise. The Grave Digger maintains the appearance of a worm and can grow to 10 meters in length. Its powerful jaws can chew through even concrete, and its amazing digestive system allows it to swallow a human victim whole.

    Hunter Notes

    The Hunter was a battle B.O.W. born from a fertilized human egg infused with reptilian DNA with the assistance of the T-virus. It is extremely deadly in combat and possesses large, sharp claws. It is intelligent enough to carry out basic commands and can cut down prey with astonishing agility and jumping power, making it truly deserving of the name Hunter.

    Infected Bat Notes

    The Infected Bat is a creature that shows distinct mutations over other bat subjects. It is a prime example of the T-virus increasing the size of a highly compatible mammal. Its extraordinarily developed physique can reach a wingspan of up to three meters, and its strengthened muscle tissue enables it to carry a human being with ease. Its diet has been altered and now consists primarily of meat. In order to capture its prey, it signals accomplices to it aid with sonic waves.

    Ivan Notes

    Ivan is a derivation of the T-103 Tyrant line that Sergei has re-engineered to act as his personal bodyguard. Its basic combat functionality is that of a T-103, but it has been modified to better assimilate into human society. In addition to the trademark T-103 defensive coat, this model is also equipped with sunglasses that include a head-mounted display. Major improvements with this model include greater powers of comprehension and the ability to pass as human. It is still a T-103 and, as such, can transform into a Super Tyrant when the situation calls for it.

    Ivy Notes

    Officially named Plant 43, this B.O.W. was developed by analyzing data from Plant 42, which had appeared in the mansion. It inherits the blood-sucking capabilities of Plant 42, while demonstrating new traits such as the ability to move on its own and attacking prey with its two vine-like appendages. It also has the ability to spit digestive enzymes from its flower-like head section to deliver a fatal blow to prey. Its movements are plodding, most likely due to the slow hydraulic forces it employs for locomotion.

    Large Roach Notes

    These were normal roaches that lived in the sewers until becoming infected with the T-virus and growing to 40 centimeters, or eight times their normal size. Their natural hardiness has remained intact, helping their population to explode. They have a tendency to bite soft flesh pm their prey, and on humans, this tends to be the area around the carotid artery. There have even been reports of attacks on humans where groups of the cockroaches have leapt to their victim’s face, suffocating them with numbers. They fought with mutated rats for control of the sewers and won. Since then, they have demonstrated a tendency towards cannibalism.

    Leech Notes

    The bloodsucking leech is approximately 20 centimeters in length. Bred by Dr. Marcus, this creature has evolved in ways previously unthinkable in an annelid. When multiple leeches are present, they have been observed to form a collective consciousness. They consume flesh by attaching their enlarged mouths to prey and possess the ability to entirely consume a human in a matter of minutes.

    Licker Notes

    These creatures used to be zombies before the T-virus further ravaged their bodies. They were named “Lickers” because of the incredibly long tongues they possessed. Other changes involve the brain expanding to the point of becoming visible and their skin deteriorating and peeling to expose their deformed muscle structure. This last mutation makes it easiest for them to move around on all fours and allows them to climb on walls and ceilings. Physically, they far outperform zombies, and they can hunt their prey by sound, lashing out to attack with their piercing tongues. They can also employ their sharp claws to leap and attack.

    Lisa Trevor Profile

    Lisa Trevor was imprisoned for nearly 30 years in the mansion and subjected to continual experiments that transfigured her into a monster. Numerous viral experiments made her immune to death itself and soon led Birkin to the discovery of the G-virus. Lisa has the disturbing habit of peeling faces from her victims and placing them over her own. There were repeated attempts to dispose of her, but they all failed. She was eventually bound and left to wander the halls of the mansion.

    Mimicry Marcus Notes

    This creature is actually composed of countless leeches that have merged together to imitate the late Dr. James Marcus. The leeches secrete an adhesive bodily fluid over their cuticle in order to mold together. When in the presence of prey or a threat, the leeches will break their form and attack. They are a revolting but powerful enemy.

    Nemesis T-type (Pursuer) Notes

    This B.O.W. is the result of combining a Nemesis parasite with a host Tyrant body. The introduced Nemesis parasite controls the host completely. Its improved intelligence gives it the capacity to follow orders as well as the ability to operate a variety of weaponry. A protective coat was wrapped around it to provide protection against bullets and explosions as well as act as a fail-safe should it go out of control. Thanks to the parasite’s secretions, the regenerative powers of the Nemesis T-type were incredible. Even if it were somehow stopped by an attack, it could mutate and evolve into a new form capable of withstanding further attacks. The new forms and their abilities are completely unpredictable.

    Neptune Notes

    A new form of B.O.W. created from a great white shark base, Neptune was developed as an experiment to prove that the T-virus would combine well with sea creatures. However, the introduction of the T-virus provided only minimal enhancement to the pre-existing strength of the shark, and the result could hardly be employed as a true B.O.W. In the sea, it knows no enemies, but on land, it is powerless.

    Plant 42 Notes

    Plant 42 was created accidentally during the T-virus outbreak. Researchers who had discovered the plant studied it with great interest as its growth overwhelmed that of other plants. Although it cannot move its trunk, it can lash out with tentacle-like appendages to ensnare prey and drain them of their blood for nutrients. It has also generated many other self-defense mechanisms to protect itself from would-be attackers.

    Queen Leech Notes

    This creature has mutated to become the Queen Leech that controls all leeches. It typically takes the form of Dr. James Marcus but can break this mold to become a transfigured first form. The Queen Leech first entered the remains of Dr. Marcus many years ago and merged with his DNA. Over a long incubation period the Queen Leech eventually began thinking and acting just like Dr. Marcus did when he was alive. As the name Queen Leech implies, it commands countless mutated leeches. If it senses bodily harm, it will cease restraining its natural functions and mutate into a larger, second form.

    Sergei Monster Notes

    Sergei transformed into this monster after injecting himself with a virus. The tentacles binding his arms fuse into one large tentacle. At the end of this appendage is a dangerous claw that can be used for movement or attacking.

    Stinger Notes

    The Stinger is a B.O.W. created by administering the T-virus to a scorpion. As a result of the virus, the creature rapidly grows to a massive size, and its pincers become powerful enough to cut through steel. The increased thickness and strength of the exoskeleton enable it to absorb damage from firearms. However, the creature’s slow movement prevents its effective usage as a B.O.W. in the field.

    T-A.L.O.S. Notes

    Codename T-A.L.O.S. The “T” stands for Tyrant, and the rest of the codename stands for Armored Lethal Organic System. This bioweapon uses a Tyrant as a base, while adding remote computer control capabilities via a chip implanted in the brain. Its cardiovascular system is artificially improved to give it mobility unthinkable in a natural organism. Its body is armored in a special metallic alloy that not only helps it defend itself from missiles and other projectile fire, but also restrains runaway T-virus mutation. It has also been equipped with weaponry to allow it to respond to distant targets. Although it is a humanoid B.O.W., it has enough armor and firepower to stand against a tank. The codename also represents the name of a bronze giant from Greek mythology.

    Tyrant (T-002) Notes

    The Tyrant is a product of the Arklay Research Facility – the ultimate life-form, based on the male human body structure. Its combat prowess is the best of all B.O.W.s, and it is named after the virus that created it. It possesses the mental faculties to carry out orders and is extremely durable. There were still issues about the control mechanisms, so combat data against real opponents was needed for making further improvements. If it senses that its life is in danger, it will remove its power limiter and transform into the even more powerful Super Tyrant.

    Wasp Notes

    These wasps were secondarily infected after ingesting insect carriers of the T-virus. They have grown to enormous size as a result. Wasps are societal insects that congregate in nests, and though it may be possible to fend off one or two, any unfortunate victim of their attack will likely fall prey to a large number of the creatures when they attack in swarms.

    Their stinger can deliver large doses of their natural venom mixed with the T-virus.

    Web Spinner Notes

    The Web Spinner is a new B.O.W. developed from early experiments with arthropods. Its name is derived from the creature’s roots as a spider, but the mutated creature now uses its acidic venom to capture prey and no longer relies on webs. With its spider ability to climb on walls and ceilings, it was under consideration as a useful weapon, but the inability to exert control over it ended that line of research.

    Yawn Notes

    This poisonous snake, bred for use as a B.O.W. test subject, escaped and was subsequently infected with the T-virus, causing it to grow to a gigantic size. It quickly made the mansion its home and ate many of the research staff. The venom it secretes through its sharp fangs requires a powerful serum to counteract. If the victim is not given proper treatment, the venom will kill the victim in a matter of minutes. Because it appears to be yawning as it swallows its prey whole, it was given the name Yawn.

    Zombie Notes

    Zombies were once human, but were infected with and consequently resurrected by the T-virus. They lose their ability to reason, which, combined with the continued decay of their flesh, has led to their being called zombies. They began to appear in great numbers with the T-virus outbreak. Their insatiable hunger drives these carriers to seek out living organisms for food, which only further serves to spread the infection.

    Trevor Family Notes

    George Trevor was the brilliant architect who designed and oversaw the construction of the Arklay mansion. The construction of the mansion took five years, and when it was complete, Spencer decided that George knew too much. He was imprisoned within the mansion, while his wife, Jessica, and his daughter, Lisa, were subjected to viral experiments. Jessica was deemed incompatible and disposed of, while George found himself trapped in the product of his own design. The Trevor family became the first victims of Spencer’s blind ambition.

    Family Picture

    There’s something written on the back:

    Progenitor virus administered (Nov. 10, 1967)


    Administered virus: Type-A

    Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation.

    Virus fusion: Negative

    Action: Disposed of.


    Administered virus: Type-B

    Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation.

    Virus fusion: Positive but delayed fusion.

    Body modification: Observed constant results.

    Status: Continue protective observation.


    Action: Terminated (Nov. 30, 1967).

    A Letter to Someone

    To my Lisa,

    Day by day I can feel my consciousness drifting further away.

    The shots given to me by the men in white clothes made some of Mommy’s itching go away. Today they gave me another shot saying it was “nutrition”. When they give me the shots Mommy can think straight, but Mommy’s shocked and sad because Mommy is unable to think of you all the time.

    Mommy’s afraid. Afraid of forgetting everything, especially the memories of you and Daddy What your faces look like, how we used to be together They’re all starting to disappear into somewhere dark in my mind.

    Oh Lisa, I wish I could touch your face and hold you in my arms right now, so that I can hold on to the wonderful memories of you and Daddy.

    Lisa, we can’t stay here any longer. We have to escape! Listen to me, Lisa. Our chance to escape is the next time when we go to that lab together. We’ll both pretend that we are unconscious, and when that man in white clothes is off guard that will be our chance. When we’re on the outside, let’s look for Daddy together. Okay sweetie?

    Be strong, Lisa.

    Nov. 13, 1967

    Jessica Trevor

    Someone’s Journal

    Nov. 14, 1967

    I feel dizzy after that shot they gave me. I don’t see Mom. Where did they take her? She promised that we would escape together. Did she escape alone and leave me behind?

    Nov. 15, 1967

    I found Mom. We ate together. I was very happy. But she was a fake. Not my real Mom. Same face but different inside. Have to find Mom. Have to give face back to mother. I got Mom’s face back. Nobody can have my Mom except me. I attach her face to me so she doesn’t go away. Because Mom sad when I meet her without her face.

    Nov. 17, 19 7

    from inside box, scent of mommy. maybe true mother there. stone box hard. It hurt. steel rope in the way. can’t see mother becuz 4 stones.


    daddy atached first momm atached scond iNside reD and sLimy white and hard not true moM where dunno dadd found mum again whne atachd mommy she move no more she screaming why? Jst want to b with her


    Mom where? I mis you

    Wesker Report Extract on “Her”

    July 31, 1978

    We knew nothing about her. She was the biggest secret at the laboratory and her data was never removed from the premises. The records showed that she had been there ever since the institute was established. She was 25 years old. No one knew who she was or why she was there. Apparently, she was a human specimen to develop the T-virus on.

    The experiment began on November 10th, 1967. She had been continuing to receive virus injections for 11 years.

    July 27, 1981

    He worked through the night at the lab time after time and repeated disorganized experiments, one after another. My staff and I collected biopsy samples as quickly as possible before the specimens could die, but we couldn’t keep up with his speed.

    The Laboratory Manager supplied the new specimens as if nothing had happened, but they didn’t survive long. It was hell. But the female specimen survived that hell.

    She was 28 years old by then and had spent 14 years in this lab.

    The numerous injections of the “Progenitor” virus she had received over the past 14 years would have left her bereft of any logical reasoning. It’s just as well because if she still had any mind left, death would have been the one and only thing she would desire.

    Somehow, she continued to live.

    July 31st, 1995

    Her termination was decided on after three researchers had become her victims. With the study of the G-virus on track, she no longer had her status as a valuable specimen.

    The termination of her vital signs was monitored and confirmed over the next three days. Then, the body was finally taken away to some unknown location at the instruction of the Laboratory Manager. Even now, I still do not know who she was or why she was brought here.

    G Notes

    1. This virus is far more powerful than the T-virus and was developed by a researcher named William Birkin. The T-virus only causes one generation of mutations, but the G-virus can continue beyond one generation. When the Nemesis prototype was used on the test subject Lisa Trevor, her body served as the source of the original G-virus’s discovery.

    2. William injected himself with the G-virus and transformed into this monster. This monster is also called “G”, but to help distinguish its name from the virus, the monster is sometimes called “Birkin G”. This monster underwent extreme mutations until eventually reaching a fifth form, when it was finally destroyed by Leon and Claire in the research facility under Raccoon City.

    Wesker Report Extract on the Tyrant Plan

    We tried to create a highly sophisticated “Fighting Biological Weapon” – with intelligence – that would obey programmed orders and act as a soldier. We called it “The Tyrant”. But from the beginning there was one huge obstacle – it was almost impossible to obtain a living subject on which we could base the Tyrant. The supply of genetically adaptable human beings for the Tyrant was extremely limited.

    This is due to the nature of the T-virus. The T-virus variant that was ideal to create the zombies and the Hunters was suitable for most humans, but it had a fault of making the carrier’s brain cells decline.

    To transform the carrier into a Tyrant we needed to keep the carrier’s intelligence at a certain level. In order to overcome this issue, Birkin had been working on extracting a variant that would cause the least damage to the brain when it was adapted perfectly to the carrier.

    However, humans with a genetic match to this variant were extremely rare. The Genetic Analytic team’s simulation report told us that only one in ten million would be infected and transform into a Tyrant, with the remainder becoming zombies.

    It might have been possible to develop a more progressive strain of the T-virus that could transform more humans into Tyrants. However, to push the research further, first of all we required human subjects with a perfect genetic match to the new variant.

    There was little possibility that such a specimen would be supplied to us, because even if we scoured the whole U.S.A., we would only be able to find 50 or so of them. IN fact, at that time, even with the utmost effort we only managed to collect a few specimens with a close match. Even from the outset, our research was at a standstill.

    Wesker’s Notes on Differing Mutations

    I have a theory on Sergei’s unique course of evolution. I had always assumed that the variety of effects the virus brings about on its host were mere random mutations. However, witnessing first-hand the effects on Sergei combined with what I know of Marcus’s transformation points to a common thread between their outcomes.

    The host’s mindset appears to influence the evolution of the virus. Sergei mutated into a monster whose very body is the picture of suffering as he was ripped apart from the inside by thorns. I can only imagine that his transformation represents the true mindset of the person he was inside. While I have no proof, my intuition tells me that this must be the case. If the personality of the host can truly affect the course of the virus manifestation, where does that leave me?

    Virus Memo

    We go way back, so I hope you forgive me cutting the formalities. I don’t have much time. I must describe how to use the item in question.

    The sample you have been given is from one of the mutation stocks. It possesses a unique characteristic. It should be injected into the host at least five minutes before needed. The results are almost immediate, but they do require a few minutes to completely take effect.

    Even in death, as long as some portion of the host remains, the virus can reconstruct the rest, and bring it back to life. During this process, there is a brief period where the host appears, for all intents and purposes, dead.

    In experiments with animals, 70 percent of the subjects grew more powerful as a result of this resurrection. Their muscular and circulatory systems far exceeded those they had possessed in life. This virus has been designed to conquer death. Twenty percent came back to life, but with none of the beneficial side effects present in the primary group. The remaining 10 percent remained dead.

    In other words, there was a 90 percent revival rate. The virus has not been used on a human yet, but that is soon to change.

    I’m not sure how this will help, but I’m sure you will put it to good use! Good luck.

    Talos Project Proposal

    Next-Generation B.O.W. Proposal

    Arklay B.O.W. Research Team

    The success of the T-002 Tyrant experiment has shown us that progress towards a marketable humanoid B.O.W. is moving along nicely. However, we must strive to continue the research and development of cutting-edge products to satisfy the varying needs of our clients.

    The plan our team proposes is as follows.

    1. Tuning Control Synapse Connector

    The current risk of deployment of T-virus based weaponry is the lack of control. Sudden cellular mutations can result in the halting of functionality, impairment of judgment, and the various other conditions reported in the past. In order to enable the safe transport and deployment of this weaponry, a more stable solution is essential.

    Our 6th Research Lab in Europe has discovered one method of control by using organic parasites. We would like to pursue a more consistent result by using chip connections to brain cells. We are in the final stages of testing and feel confident in the likelihood of product realization.

    2. Enhancement of Combat Functionality for Land-Based Weaponry

    The Tyrant boasts a combat prowess and survivability that far surpasses that of even the best trained combat troops. However, it is still only theoretically capable of successfully deterring one military division. When facing armored fighting vehicles or military-grade helicopters, its kill ratio begins to falter.

    By arming the Tyrant with specialized combat firepower and armor, we will make it more fit for the variety of situations it is likely to face in the field. In the past, the ideal has been to leave the Tyrant unhindered by additional equipment so that it can maximise its two strong points – motor performances and response reflexes. However, the use of enhanced armor modules, internal reinforcement implants, long-distance homing weaponry, etc. could preserve the natural abilities of the Tyrant while maximizing its options in field maneuvers. The potential for this enhancement is fast becoming a reality. When complete, it could make the Tyrant the ultimate all-in-one combat package.

    T-A.L.O.S. Simulated Battle Results

    (Top Secret)

    CASE 12

    T-A.L.O.S. vs. 1 Special Forces Unit, 12 Soldiers (former Spetsnaz)

    Time Elapsed: 3m28s

    Kill Ratio: 100:0

    CASE 13

    T-A.L.O.S. vs. Armored Vehicles, 2 Vehicles

    Time Elapsed: 6m40s

    Kill Ratio: 89:2

    CASE 14

    T-A.L.O.S. vs. Attack Helicopter, 1 Helicopter

    Time Elapsed: 32m13s

    Kill Ratio: 48:10

  8. #8

    رد: تقرير شامل لـResident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles

    بعض المواضيع المفيدة

    التحليل الشامل لـ Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles


    تحيليل اللعبة من الألف إلى الياء

    Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (الموضوع الرسمي والحصري)


    وهو شامل للجزء

    الحل الكامل للعبة Resident Evil : The Umbrella Chronicles


    وهو الحل الكامل للجزء

  9. #9

    رد: تقرير شامل لـResident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles

    بعــــــــض الصـــــــور عـــــــــن الجـــــــزء

  10. #10

  11. #11
    الصورة الرمزية النمسس
    النمسس غير متصل عضو قدير ونجم منتدى رزدنت إيفل

    رد: تقرير شامل لـResident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles

    شكرا لك على الموضوع الرائع يا أخي العزيز S.T.A.R.S 2008 ويشرفني أن أكون أول من يرد عليك

    Fourth Survivor =لأجل الحياة
    الترجمة هي الناجي الرابع وليس لأجل الحياة

    هنا قصة ايدا بعد أن تلقت رصاصة من أنيت بريكن
    أخي بالعكس ليست الرصاصة لأنه لو كانت رصاصة لرأينا جرح واحد ولكن هي أصيبت إصابة قوية ولهذا ترى إيدا تضع ضمادات كثيرة والإصابة بسبب المستر إكس كما أنه من خلال أحد ملفات اللعبة الذي يتحدث عن قصة الجزء الثاني عرفنا أن كابكوم تعتبر أن ترتيب الأحداث هي كلير A وليون B يعني تلعب بكلير أولا وبعدها ليون في الجزء الثاني

    Richard Aiken هو الرجل الاحتياطي لـS.T.A.R.S فريق برافو انظم إلى S.T.A.R.S بعد قتل اخيه الأصغر في حادث
    ليس أخيه الأصغر بل أخته الصغرى

    Billy Coen عثرة علية ريبكا في القطار وهو الجندي الذي اتهم بقتل 23 جندي في الحرب لكن ربيكا أطلقت سراحة
    أخي ريبيكا لم تطلق سراح بيلي يعني هي لم تمسك به بل إلتقيا وهربوا معا

    هو أرسل من قبل سبنسر لإستعادة نموذج Talos
    فلاديمير لم يرسل سبينسر بل هو بنفسه أحضر النموذج ومع الوحش Ivan حارسه الشخصي وهو يمسك بالنموذج كما رأينا في أحد عروض اللعبة

    أرجو بعد هذا التقرير الصغير للعبة أن يكون هذا الموضوع قد نال اعجابكم
    بالتأكيد أعجبنا الموضوع لأنه فيه كل صغيرة وكبيرة عن اللعبة وشيء رائع أنك وضعت جميع المواضيع المتعلقة بهذا الجزء وبالتالي يكون هذا الموضوع مرجع لكل شيء عن اللعبة وما شاء الله كتبت جميع الملفات وهذا سوف يجعل الجميع يعرف جميع تفاصيل القصة وبالمناسبة يبدو أنك نسيت أن تذكر هذا الموضوع الذي فيه جميع الملفات وجميع عروض اللعبة مرتبة بالترتيب الصحيح للقصة من البداية إلى النهاية:
    [ موسوعة ‏Resident Evil Youtube‏ | المكان الرسمي لمختلف أنواع الفيديوهات | هنا ]

    ويبقى هذا الجزء من أجزائي المفضلة بل ربما هو المفضل لدي لأنه فيه أفضل قصة على الإطلاق وذكريات رائعة لا تنسى وشكرا جزيلا لك على الموضوع المذهل ووفقك الله وإلى الأمام يا بطل وشكرا ^_____^
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة النمسس ; 07-11-2008 الساعة 03:04 PM

  12. #12
    الصورة الرمزية chris
    chris غير متصل مراقب منتديات رزدنت إيفيل
    ومراقب المنتدى العام

    Thumbs up احم احم

    اهلا اخي الغالي S.T.A.R.S 2008
    وانا سعيد ان اكون ثاني من يرد على موضوعك الرائع

    وخصوصا اننا الان اكملنا دائرة مواضيع Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicle

    شكرا لك لهذا الموضوع الرائع والممتاز يا اخي الغالي
    فالموضوع منسق بطريقة جيدة
    واسلوبك شيق

    ولكن للتذكير فقط
    كان من الجيد لو ان معلومات الشخصيات والقصة كانت اكثر شرحا يعني اضافة بعض التفاصيل
    وايضا تلوين العناوين الرئيسية لملفات اللعبة
    ولو كانت مترجمة يكون جيد

    والباقي جيد وممتاز

    شكرا لك يا اخي الغالي

    سلام chris
    المحب للغير .................

  13. #13

    رد: تقرير شامل لـResident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles

    الأخ العزيز النمسس
    شكرا لك على الموضوع الرائع يا أخي العزيز S.T.A.R.S 2008 ويشرفني أن أكون أول من يرد عليك
    لي الشرف بأنك رديت على موضوعي الصغير يا اخي العزيز
    الترجمة هي الناجي الرابع وليس لأجل الحياة
    أنا شكيت فيها من الأول
    ليس أخيه الأصغر بل أخته الصغرى
    خطأ مطبعي
    أخي ريبيكا لم تطلق سراح بيلي يعني هي لم تمسك به بل إلتقيا وهربوا معا
    كان ينبغي ان اشرح فكرتي بشكل أفضل
    بالتأكيد أعجبنا الموضوع لأنه فيه كل صغيرة وكبيرة عن اللعبة وشيء رائع أنك وضعت جميع المواضيع المتعلقة بهذا الجزء وبالتالي يكون هذا الموضوع مرجع لكل شيء عن اللعبة وما شاء الله كتبت جميع الملفات وهذا سوف يجعل الجميع يعرف جميع تفاصيل القصة وبالمناسبة يبدو أنك نسيت أن تذكر هذا الموضوع الذي فيه جميع الملفات وجميع عروض اللعبة مرتبة بالترتيب الصحيح للقصة من البداية إلى النهاية:
    [ موسوعة ‏Resident Evil Youtube‏ | المكان الرسمي لمختلف أنواع الفيديوهات | هنا ]
    كلك ذوق اخي الغالي النمسس بالنسبة للموضوع الذي وضعته ليس خاص للجزء هناك الكثير من العروض المنوعة لذا أنا وضعت المواضيع الخاصة بالجزء
    ويبقى هذا الجزء من أجزائي المفضلة بل ربما هو المفضل لدي لأنه فيه أفضل قصة على الإطلاق وذكريات رائعة لا تنسى
    صحيح هذا الجزء من اروع اجزاء RE لكن هو من أكثر الأجزاء إلي تعبني صعب
    وشكرا جزيلا لك على الموضوع المذهل ووفقك الله وإلى الأمام يا بطل وشكرا ^_____^
    شكراً على الكلام اللطيف وشكراً على جميع الملاحظات و أهلاً بك في أي وقت
    المراقب العزيز chris

    وانا سعيد ان اكون ثاني من يرد على موضوعك الرائع
    أنا اسعد بكونك رددت على موضوعي يا مراقبنا الغالي
    وخصوصا اننا الان اكملنا دائرة مواضيع Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicle

    شكرا لك لهذا الموضوع الرائع والممتاز يا اخي الغالي
    فالموضوع منسق بطريقة جيدة
    واسلوبك شيق
    هذا من ذوقك
    ولكن للتذكير فقط
    كان من الجيد لو ان معلومات الشخصيات والقصة كانت اكثر شرحا يعني اضافة بعض التفاصيل

    بالنسبة لشخصيات أنا وضعتها بشكل مختصر لأن أغلب الأعضاء لا يردون أن يقرأوا أسطر كثيره وأيضاً هناك سبب آخر سأخبره بك في رسالة خاصة في وقت لاحق
    أم بالنسبة للقصة فإذا توسعت أخشى بأنني أخطئ
    وايضا تلوين العناوين الرئيسية لملفات اللعبة
    ولو كانت مترجمة يكون جيد

    الترجمة حاولت ذالك لكن الملفات كثيره وهناك كلمات لا أفهم معناها و أيضاً الترجمة ليست حرفية ولاكن إذا رأيت ذالك أفضل أخبرني و سأقوم بذلك
    والباقي جيد وممتاز

    شكرا لك يا اخي الغالي
    لم أفعل سوى الواجب و أهلاً بك في أي وقت

  14. #14
    الصورة الرمزية النمسس
    النمسس غير متصل عضو قدير ونجم منتدى رزدنت إيفل

    رد: تقرير شامل لـResident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles

    أخي العزيز S.T.A.R.S 2008

    لي الشرف بأنك رديت على موضوعي الصغير يا اخي العزيز
    بالعكس الموضوع كبير وكاتبه أكبر

    أنا شكيت فيها من الأول
    خطأ مطبعي
    كان ينبغي ان اشرح فكرتي بشكل أفضل
    لا بأس والكل يخطأ

    كلك ذوق اخي الغالي النمسس بالنسبة للموضوع الذي وضعته ليس خاص للجزء هناك الكثير من العروض المنوعة لذا أنا وضعت المواضيع الخاصة بالجزء
    صحيح ولكني أردت وضع موضوع عروض اليوتيوب لأنه فيه عروض اللعبة كاملة ومرتبة

    صحيح هذا الجزء من اروع اجزاء RE لكن هو من أكثر الأجزاء إلي تعبني صعب
    جزء رائع وصحيح هو صعب وخصوصا عندما تلعبه أول مرة ولكن بعد فترة سوف تعتاد عليه ويصبح أسهل وخصوصا إذا فتحت جميع الأسلحة وجميع تطويرات الأسلحة وإذا عرفت كيف توفر أسلحتك المهمة للوحوش القوية وعرفت كيف تستغل عدد الرصاصات الغير منتهي في المسدس لقتل الوحوش الضعيفة بدلا من إهدار رصاص الأسلحة القوية عليها وأيضا إذا استفدت من السكين والقنابل اليدوية في الأوقات الحرجة والمواقف الصعبة

    شكراً على الكلام اللطيف وشكراً على جميع الملاحظات و أهلاً بك في أي وقت
    لا شكر على واجب

  15. #15
    ::: اســبــانــيــا :::

    رد: تقرير شامل لـResident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles

    شكرا لك اخي ستارس على الموضوع المتكامل للعبه
    ولو اني لم العب هذه اللعبه موضوعك متميز ويبدو ان كل صغيره وكبيره فلعبه موجود حتى طريقة التخلص من الوحوش شكرا لك
    ***** ســـــادلـــــر *****
    *** مـــلـــك الـــرعـــب ***

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